What Types Of Food Remove Kylie Lip Kits?

She’s pretty much won over the entire world with her amazing lip products, and if you’ve been lucky enough to snag a shade or two, you’re probably finding out that they live up to the hype, much like I did. I really put my Lip Kit to the test, too. I'd heard about its long-lasting capabilities, but I wanted to know just how far it could go. You’re about to find out what types of foods remove the Kylie Lip Kit right along with me. And I mean, I really went all out here. I ate everything from Chipotle burritos to chicken wings, all while wearing my Lip Kit. I’ll use any excuse I can get to chow down on a burrito.
I ate breakfast, lunch and dinner for three straight days with that bright red Mary Jo K slathered on my lips, and I couldn't believe how well this lippie held up to most foods. After three days of going in on a variety of meals, I can attest to the fact it takes a lot — and I mean a lot — to rub off a Kylie Lip Kit. Apparently these lipsticks are built to last.
I couldn’t be more grateful for that fact, either. There’s nothing I love more than chicken wings and lipstick, and it's pretty magnificent when your two favorite things go together so well. I purposely chose foods I thought would cause the lipstick to smudge, so let’s see how my three days played out, shall we?
Disclaimer: These foods were in no way, shape or form eaten in a dainty fashion.
Day 1:
Before Breakfast:
At around 9:00 a.m., I slicked Mary Jo K onto my lips. And let me just tell you, the struggle of applying lipstick when you know your photo's going on the Internet is real. I was so paranoid that I'd wind up with my lipstick all lopsided and end up looking like one of Picasso's illustrations. Anyways, I think it turned out all right, and it was time to eat my first meal of the day.
The Food:
I had a muffin and iced coffee for breakfast because I thought taking bites out of a muffin might smudge the lipstick. Any coffee cup of mine usually winds up with smears all over the glass, so I this meal seemed like it would push this lippie to its limits.
After Breakfast:
After devouring my muffin, I went back into my bathroom to check on the lipstick. I did have to wipe away a couple of crumbs, but other than that, it really stayed intact. I did notice red smears on my food during breakfast, but there was no noticeable difference to me when I looked in the mirror.
Before Lunch:
I didn't have to reapply any color before lunch because my application from the morning was still going strong. I did dab a little bit of balm on my lips between meals because they felt a little dry, which is typical of matte lipsticks. But, with just a little balm, I was ready to eat some lunch!
The Food:
I had a salad and a sandwich for lunch because I thought this would be a great opportunity for smudging. There's no dainty way to shove lettuce into your mouth, and there's no way to avoid rubbing a little color off on your bread when you eat a sandwich. Needless to say, I was anxious to see how the Lip Kit would hold up.
After Lunch:
I swear there's no difference at all. You couldn't even tell that I'd put this Lip Kit through the ringer during my lunch break, so I was headed back to work quite pleased.
Before Dinner:
Here I am before dinner. I had brushed my teeth after lunch (still without messing up the lip color) But, because I knew what was in store, I went ahead and added one coat of Mary Jo K before dinner.
The Food:
Ahh, the ultimate test. Dinner was a Chipotle burrito, and I've never had a lippie last through that. And as you can see, there was some smearing going on only a few bites in, but I was more than ready to see if the lipstick could withstand a massive burrito. Pass the Tabasco, because I'm going in.
After Dinner:
OK, so as you can see the lipstick didn't exactly last through eating the burrito. A lot rubbed off from the middle of my lips, and I'd say it was definitely time for another application. While the Lip Kit didn't completely withstand the Chipotle test, I must say that the liner held on like a champ.
Day 1 Verdict:
I was very pleased with how well the color stayed on my lips throughout the day. I was surprised to see how well the lipstick lasted all throughout lunch, and while dinner wasn't as successful, I wasn't fully expecting it to be. The Kylie Lip Kit would pretty much be the love of my life if it could have lasted through eating a burrito. But, nevertheless, I was quite happy with the results, and still very much in like with this lippie.
Day 2:
Before Breakfast:
Around 9:15 a.m. I slicked some Mary Jo K on my lips for the second day of the experiment. I was more than ready to put my Lip Kit through the ringer yet again.
The Food:
I made myself a carrot cake smoothie for breakfast and ate it as I started my day at Bustle. I thought drinking something thick might smudge my lipstick some.
After Breakfast:
But, it really didn't mess it up much. There was a little removed from the corners of my mouth, but it wasn't really noticeable unless someone was getting really up close and personal while inspecting my lipstick application skills.
Before Lunch:
By lunchtime, my lipstick was still going strong. Let's see how this lasted through lunch after a few hours of wear, shall we?
The Food:
I cooked an egg in the middle of a bagel and had a breakfast sandwich for lunch, because breakfast for literally every meal is the best. I felt that a bagel sandwich would really push this lippie to its limits.
After Lunch:
And I was right! It did rub off a little bit of the color from my bottom lip, but overall, I was proud of how well this held up. Jenner really has done a great job with this lipstick. My lips did need a little touch up after eating this, but an after-lunch lipstick application is typically expected, you know?
Before Afternoon Coffee:
After I brushed my teeth and reapplied a layer of lipstick, I went to the coffee shop and shamelessly took selfies to document the event.
The Drink:
I wasn't expecting the iced coffee to ruin my lips or anything, but anytime you're drinking, you run the risk of smudging, you know? That's just the price you pay for a little extra caffeine.
After Coffee:
My lips were still holding up after coffee, although I did notice some slight smudging near the corners of my mouth. Overall, it was a successful caffeine dosage.
Before Dinner:
I fixed the edges of my lipstick, but I didn't need to reapply before dinner.
The Food:
It was a Thursday night, so there way no better way to celebrate than with homemade margs, ceviche and quesadillas. Besides, these seemed like foods that would take a toll on the Lip Kit.
After Dinner:
Honestly, I didn't notice a difference after my fiesta of a dinner. Apparently, chips and tortillas are no match for this lippie. *Life made*
Day 2 Verdict:
The Lip Kit didn't completely last through eating a bagel sandwich, but other than that, I was super impressed by how well this lipstick held up through eating. I seemed to consistently need to retouch once a day, but I still think that's better than, or at least on par, with most long-lasting lip products.
Day 3:
Before Breakfast:
By the third day, I did notice that I'd gotten pretty good at applying the Lip Kit. What started out taking me a painfully slow few minutes (because I was feeling the pressure) now only took me a few moments to get just right.
The Food:
I had a cozy breakfast consisting of iced coffee and blueberry oatmeal because I originally thought drinking and eating with a spoon would cause this shade to rub off, but by day three, I knew the Lip Kit pretty well, and I was thinking it would pass this test with flying colors (pun intended).
After Breakfast:
As I suspected, Mary Jo K was still going strong after breakfast.
Before Lunch:
This is the same lipstick from this morning, there was no need for a touch up before lunch. This lippie was more than ready for my lunch break.
The Food:
The lipstick passed the salad test two days ago, but this time, I paired it with soup. So, with two meals that used spoons in a row, I was interested to see how this lippie would do.
After Lunch:
The color didn't exactly stand up to my second spoon-fed meal of the day. The bottom lip definitely needed a touch up, but the top lip and all of the edges were still going strong.
Before Dinner:
I added a fresh coat of Mary Jo K for the test that was to come.
The Food:
On the menu for tonight: chicken wings. Oh yeah, I was going all in with this. How would the Lip Kit stand up to wings? I had no idea, but I was prepared to find out. Because I'm all about pairing chicken wings with lipstick. In fact, that sounds like a great name for a blog where food meets fashion/beauty. I call dibs!
Let me just say, this was a pretty horrific experience. I was so paranoid the entire time I was eating them. I kept asking my boyfriend "Do I have lipstick, like, all over my face?"
After Dinner:
And you know what? I didn't. That's the really surprising part. Aside from some smudging around the edges and a little loss of color along my bottom lip, the Lip Kit did fine throughout the meal. This was so much better than I could have ever expected.
Day 3 Verdict:
I needed another coat of lipstick after lunch and at least some balm to spread the color around a bit after dinner, but I was amazed at how well the Lip Kit stood up to the wings. This lippie did way better than any of the other lipsticks I own would have done with this main dish, although I can't say this is an experience I'd like to repeat. I was far too nervous the entire time I was eating, and I'd much prefer to actually enjoy my meal than be constantly worried about my lipstick.
Final Conclusions:
For three days, I really pushed the Kylie Lip Kit to the limit. It seems like foods that you have to bite into or use a spoon for will require at least one reapplication throughout the day. But, foods that you eat with a fork do great, and it really seems like the lipsticks will last through multiple meals before you ever have to do a touch-up. Reapplying once day isn't a big deal at all, if you ask me.
One thing that I really enjoy about this lippie is that you never have to worry about it staining your teeth. This matte lipstick really is as long-lasting as it claims to be, as it lasts through breakfast and lunch, multiple cups of water, and even a good teeth-brushing or two.
The Kylie Lip Kit may not be able to stand up against a Chipotle burrito, but then again, it'd practically be a work of magic if it did. I demanded a lot of this lippie over the last few days, and it didn't let me down.
So, if you don't own a Kylie Lip Kit already, get ready for the upcoming restock. Because you'll be eating your way through many foods without so much as a smudge in no time. If you're anything like me these Lip Kits will have you chomping away and looking good while doing it.
And what more could you ever hope for in life?
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Images: Dario Ortega/Bustle (3); Augusta Statz/Bustle (29); Giphy (1)