Are Wedding Bells In Luke & Lorelai's Future?

There's nothing fiercer right now than a Gilmore Girls revival theory, and one of the biggest questions everyone has is regarding Luke Danes and Lorelai Gilmore. Will the pair be a couple when the series returns and, more importantly, are Luke and Lorelai married? If, like me, you've always believed that Luke was the man for Lorelai (just based on his coffee making skills alone), you'll likely have everything crossed in favor of the on-and-off-again lovers, who could never quite get it together during the original run of the show. But will Luke and Lorelai be husband and wife when Gilmore Girls returns to Netflix, or will the pair still be hopelessly in love with each other but just friends?
Evidence from the Gilmore Girls set keeps finding its way on to Twitter thanks to some stealth fans of the show, and the most exciting photo so far could be proof that Luke and Lorelai are married. The photo in question shows Luke and Lorelai's cars parked outside of Lorelai's house, which surely means that the pair live together, at least? While it's not photographic proof of the lovebirds together, it's given fans major hopes that Luke and Lorelai are living together, and maybe even married.
In the Season 7 finale, Luke and Lorelai weren't together, but they famously shared a kiss. After everything that had happened to the pair, this seemed like a new start for them. It was a major tease to end the show this way, not giving us any real inclination of what happened next for the characters. But, as many fans have gone on to guess, it seems likely that Luke and Lorelai end up together. While no one has confirmed this fact yet, if Luke and Lorelai aren't together in the Gilmore Girls revival, then what else would they be doing? The pair are endgame, and if either character ends up with someone else, there will be hell to pay. I'm just saying.
So, even though we're all hoping that Luke and Lorelai finally went and got married (because they have to), some fans have pointed out how their potential marriage could impact on other Gilmore Girls theories. While many fans have mused that Rory should end up with Jess, if Rory's mom is married to Jess's uncle, won't that make them cousins? If Rory and Jess are related through marriage, then wouldn't this make any romance between them a bit creepy?
Regardless of how Rory's love life might be effected, I still hope that Luke and Lorelai are married in the Gilmore Girls revival. The two characters seemed to understand each other like no one else, and had the smoothest and funniest rapport of, like, all time. While we'll have to wait to find out for sure whether Lorelai married Luke, and if they had a baby, at least we can dream about the fact that their cars are parked right next to each other. That has to mean something, right?
Image: Warner Bros. Television