Every Foodie Insta Account Needs This New App

If you're dissatisfied with the quality of your food photos, this app helps you take better pictures of food. Because what else is food for if not taking perfect Instagram pictures? It's not like food is for eating or socializing or enjoying in the moment guys, it's all about how saturated the colors of your avocado toast look on Instagram, right? Sure, I'm a cynic about food photos (was it that obvious?), but I'll also be the first to admit that every so often there is a meal so glorious looking I can't help but take its photo. And now there's a Japanese app called Foodie that makes taking pictures of food so easy it will look like you're doing it in a studio with a food stylist and proper lighting.
The best part about Foodie is that it lets you know when the camera is positioned directly above your food. So no more weird angles of your plate. It also comes with 24 different filters, and can focus on the foreground while blurring out the background to give the impression that an SLR camera was used. Then, like all your other photo editing apps, you just upload straight to social media. Nifty hey? You can download Foodie from the iTunes Store here. Here's what the iTunes store preview, and people using the app on Twitter, shows you can expect:
1. Filters
As I already mentioned, the app comes with a bunch of lovely color filters. It also has easy to use and stylish looking toggles on screen to make editing things like brightness and saturation easy.
2. Perfect Bird's Eye View
If you were skeptical about the app knowing exactly when you're over the top of your food, don't be. You'll never have to hover awkwardly above a plate of food again with Foodie.
3. Here's A Before And After Shot
Shot 1: Boring chicken salad.
Shot 2: Super glamorous chicken salad.
Which would you rather be?
4. Color Is Popping Off
What would you prefer: a realistic, dull colored food photo, or a vibrant, popping food color that's bright and whimsical? Obviously the second one because no one wants to see your gross, sallow looking ham.
5. Or It Could Be Subtle
You have have crazy vibrant saturation, or you can make your edits subtle, and have you food looking like it leapt straight off the pages of Food & Wine magazine.
6. Don't You Want Your Food To Look This Lovely?
If you're big on food photos, this app is definitely probably worth it, if not just for those genius aerial shots. At that extra yellow egg yolk too.
Images: Ingus Kruklitis / EyeEm/EyeEm/Getty Images; Foodie/iTunes