Aside from the warmer weather, blue-er skies, and lighter jackets, the return of farmers markets is one of the best things that comes with the arrival of spring. Once all of that wintry frost melts away, you'll actually want to venture further than the corner store — and farmers markets all around the country beckon you to stock up on fresh fruits and veggies to experiment with in the kitchen. Or, you know, eat directly out of your reusable eco-friendly tote. And there are so many things to buy, like greens, herbs, strawberries, cherries, and kiwi, which are all at their prime in the spring. Even if you aren't a super skilled chef (yet), these ingredients have such great flavors that putting together a delicious meal can be shockingly simple. Fresh produce needs very little doctoring to taste amazing, and is the perfect counterpart to heartier dishes... like pizza straight from the oven.
In partnership with DIGIORNO Pizza, we've devised the ultimate pizza party menu to make entertaining friends and family easier than ever. Throwing an excellent dinner party isn't as intimidating as it might sound, and these dishes will totally impress your guests without requiring you to spend endless hours prepping in the kitchen.
Tuscan Chicken Pizza
Baked Zucchini Fries With Homemade Ranch Dip
Easy Kale Caesar Salad
Easy Strawberry Shortcake
This article is sponsored by DIGIORNO Pizza, the perfect foundation for every gathering — no matter the season.
Images: Tina Gong / Bustle