Whether it's cavorting with dozens of partners in completely absurd scenarios or being penetrated by the oddest of objects, adult entertainers are paid to take their sexplorations to places that the average human just can't fathom. A new Wood Rocket video delves into this fact, revealing the weirdest objects porn stars have sex with, from the organic to the inanimate.
Given the stretchy wonders of the human vagina — it varies from 2.5 to 3 inches long in the average woman and can expand up to 7+ inches during arousal — the world really is your oyster if you feel the need to play with putting stuff up in there. From a broomstick (yaaaas, witch) to a banana (free lunch), there's really no limit to what you can insert into your orifice. All you need is your imagination and some lube to get things going.
According to the porn actresses in the video, the most common objects are actually things found lying around the house, like cucumbers, popsicles, hair brushes, bottles of vodka, and baseball bats, which is really an excellent reminder that no matter how broke you are, in a pinch, just about anything can become a sex toy.
Images: WoodRocket; Giphy