Call me crazy, but I think I just figured something out: it matters what song you get ready to. I've had nights end anticlimactically or get ruined because I wasn't in the right headspace, so I think I'm going to try something new — listening to songs for going out based on your Zodiac sign. Or, well, not your Zodiac sign, my Zodiac sign. I feel like getting out the door in the right frame of mind is a really huge part of having a great night, so why wouldn't we base that on some cold, hard, astrological science? As a Virgo, I'm constantly convinced that I can solve things just by thinking my way out of them, so this is right up my alley.
But I honestly think it's gonna be right up yours, too. I've handpicked these songs to get you vibing perfectly for your night, based on astrological factors that might have tripped you up in the past. So blast these while you're getting ready, whether you're picking out the perfect outfit for a night on the town or trying to get pumped up to leave your house instead of curling up with your jammies and a glass of wine. I promise it will give you the boost you need. No more high-pressure nights that fall flat, no more last-minute bailing because you can't work up the energy, and no more bad attitudes ever at all.
Aquarius (January 21 — February 19)
You have a tendency to shy away from emotional expression, so treat yourself to a nice mirror-cry to "Hello" by Adele to get those negative emotions out, and then let the positive energy that's left over carry you through the rest of the night.
Pisces (February 20 — March 20)
My overly-trusting Pisces babies have been burned one too many times, so blast a rendition of La Roux's "Bulletproof" before you head out to get your head right. None of those commitment-phobic guys at the bar can waste your time.
Aries (March 21 — April 20)
Hey Aries, baby, you're great, but, on your off days, you can sometimes get a little impatient or short-tempered. Ensure you don't snark at those you love by listening to "What You Don't Do" by newcomer Lianne La Havas. It's a good reminder to trust the people closest to you.
Taurus (April 21 — May 21)
We all know that nothing turns you Bulls off faster than insecurity in others, so make sure you aren't exhibiting any yourself with a healthy dose of "Ego" by Beyoncé. Now there's a woman who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to say so.
Gemini (May 22 — June 21)
A Gemini who's up in her head can take the wind out of her own sails before a big night, so banish that nervous, indecisive energy with "Unstoppable" by Sia.
Cancer (June 22 — July 22)
Insecurity can be crippling for all of us, but you crabs are particularly susceptible. Get your blood pumping and your confidence bursting with "Confident" by Demi Lovato. This is your night.
Leo (July 23 — August 21)
Having to share the spotlight can be a downer for the attention-loving Leo, so make like Taylor Swift and "Shake It Off" before it even becomes an issue. The only person in charge of you having a good time is you.
Virgo (August 22 — September 23)
The shy Virgo can get overwhelmed at boisterous parties and fade into the background, so let go of your wallflower ways with "Brave" by Sara Bareilles. Lyrics that inspirational will make starting up a conversation with a stranger way less intimidating.
Libra (September 24 — October 23)
If there's one thing the social Libra fears, it's being on her own. Take a cue from Miley Cyrus and blast "Party In The U.S.A." The familiar music will make you forget that you aren't surrounded by a group of your closest friends.
Scorpio (October 24 — November 22)
Hey Scorpio, shelve those trust and jealousy issues that crop up occasionally with "Bang Bang" — it's the only proof you need a group of badass ladies can collaborate without trying to outshine each other. If Jessie J, Nicki Minaj, and Ariana Grande can manage it, so can you.
Sagittarius (November 23 — December 22)
The bane of the Sagittarian existence is clingy people, so remind yourself at the beginning of the night that it's not your responsibility to take care of anyone but yourself nor do you have time for any scrubs in the club with Little Mix's "Grown."
Capricorn (December 23 — January 20)
You're likely the most responsible and disciplined of your friend group, so embrace that and prep for a drama-free night with "Bo$$" by Fifth Harmony.
Do you feel that? It's you being ready for a night out with none of the hangups that plague us all on a regular basis. Pump these jams at home, and you'll be floating on a cloud of positive energy and pure adrenaline by the time you leave the house.
Image: DemiLovatoVEVO/YouTube