
Root For GoldieBlox's Super Bowl Ad

by Kate Ward

Yes, it's true: Despite the existence of insulting articles like "A Girls' Guide to Understanding Football," women do actually love the sport. So it's more than refreshing to see a company that specializes in gender stereotype-debunking score an ad during the 2014 Super Bowl. Just days before the Super Bowl, Intuit announced GoldieBlox won Super Bowl airtime following a contest offering a spot to companies with 50 or fewer employees.

Despite its small size, the 18-month-old GoldieBlox — which boasts just 15 employees — might already be familiar to audiences. Back in November, an advertisement for the company, which produces science- and engineering-related toys for girls, went viral... and subsequently made its way back into the news when the Beastie Boys sued over the the commercial's parody of their hit song, "Girls."

But, three months later, GoldieBlox is again making headlines, this time for all the right reasons. And its Super Bowl ad was so, so very right, showing a group of girls savvy enough to construct a rocket ship out of stereotypical "girls" toys. Who doesn't wish they could have owned a set of GoldieBlox as a kid after that?

Watch it below, and envision a future with millions of female scientists, engineers, and, yes, football players.

Click here to check out more of Super Bowl XLVIII's best and worst ads.