9 Things You Should Never Put On Your Face

In a world of Pinterest DIY beauty hacks, it can be hard to sift through what's worth trying and what should be avoided. To help you determine what skin tutorials would be a straight up horrible idea, I've rounded up a list of things you should never put on your face. Just because something is OK for your hair or body does not mean it's a good idea to slather on your forehead. Eeek.
For details on exactly what not to put on your face, I consulted Dr. David E. Bank at The Center for Dermatology in Westchester, NY for his advice. Along with his wise words of skin-protecting wisdom, I've also scouted out a few extra sources so you can be as knowledgeable as possible when it comes to taking care of your skin!
To avoid unwanted breakouts, irritation, or allergic reactions, make sure never to swipe any of the products below on your gorgeous face. And of course, if you’re reading this and just did coincidentally use one of the below items on your face, take a breather, clean your face, and you’re going to be fine. Reach out to your dermatologist if you have additional concerns.
1. Body Lotion
According to Bank, "The skin on our faces is much thinner than other parts of the body. Body lotions tend to be thicker and contain more fragrances than facial moisturizers that can lead to allergic reactions and breakouts. To make sure your skin is maintaining a healthy balance of moisture and to prevent any breakouts make sure to use an oil-free and fragrance free facial moisturizer."
2. Hairspray
"A lot of people use hairspray to help set their makeup in a pinch," says Bank. "However, hairspray contains alcohols, which can strip the skin of moisture. It can also clog your pores and lead to irritation and acne flare-ups."
3. Lemon Juice
Dermatologist Dr. Doris Day told CNN, "Citrus fruits, like lemons, can irritate skin." Why? She explained, "Lemons have a chemical called psoralen, and the psoralen makes you exquisitely sensitive to light. It activates in about 10 to 15 minutes, and it takes about 24 hours to wear off. So if you do that, and go out in the sun, you can actually blister." Geez.
4. Super Hot Water
While a steam facial can be great for your face, but Bank shares, "Many people like to use hot water on their faces because they think it will help kill bacteria, however, hot water can actually strip the moisture out of your outermost layer of skin." Talk about ouch!
5. Sugar
"Although this ingredient might be great for quick DIY scrubs for other parts of the body," Bank says, "using sugar as an exfoliant on the face can actually scratch and abrade the skin. Avoid using products with hard shaped particles as they can cause microscopic tears in the skin and lead to breakouts."
6. Nail Polish
This might seem obvious, but Cosmopolitan warned nail polish is not face paint. I repeat, Not. Face paint. No matter what Pinterest tutorial tells you it's fine, the acrylic molecules in nail polish will pull moisture from your skin and leave it dry AF.
7. Baking Soda
"Baking soda has high alkaline levels which can diminish the pH balance on our faces and lead to really dry skin," shares Dr Bank. "The pH in our skin is designed to act as a barrier and keep bacteria out. When this pH balance is disrupted, it can cause your face from being able to regulate its natural pH balance and lead to breakouts."
8. Old Vinegar
While apple cider vinegar can make a great toner, using a bottle that's been on your shelf longer than a few months can be way too harsh. Why? Cosmopolitan shared, "Vinegar can lose water over time and become stronger, so if you use it on your skin, it can actually burn it if you don't know exactly how long it's been in your possession."
9. Foot Creams
Another Cosmopolitan tip, the mag explained, "[Foot lotions are] just too rich, thick, and sticky to be applied to your facial skin. They're formulated to break down thick calluses on your feet and often contain chemical exfoliants at percentages that you would never want to use on your face."
At the end of the day, taking good care of your face means realizing what skincare works, but also what doesn't.
Images: Lauren Mancke/Unsplash; Fotolia (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); Getty Images