On the winter finale of How To Get Away With Murder, Wes shot Annalise Keating, and when he pulled the trigger, she said something about, “Christophe.” This triggered something in his brain, House M.D. style, making him realize that at one point he was called Christophe. This lead people to believe that perhaps Wes was Annalise’s son, but two very important bits of information came to light on the winter premiere — we met Wes’ mother, and we found out that Annalise was pregnant on How To Get Away With Murder, and, at the time, she knew Wes and his mom. What? Update: Annalise's baby died following a car crash Annalise was involved with around the time she knew Wes' mom.
In a flashback scene, a very pregnant Annalise talks with Wes’ mom, who comments that Annalise is having a boy because she’s carrying so low on her torso. They chat about how adorable Wes is (he’s about ten years old), and that’s that… until another flashback scene when a non-pregnant Annalise opens the door to find a hysterical Wes’ mom at the door, handing her a baby and leaving. Um, what? The baby can’t be Wes, because Wes is too old, so whose baby is that at the door? Why is Annalise getting a baby thrust into her arms on very short notice? Why can’t I follow anything that’s going on on this show?
The news that Annalise was pregnant really opens the door to a lot of speculation. Here’s my theory — since we know that Annalise is basically a sociopath, I venture to say that she got pregnant by accident (which happens) but decided to dump the baby on some poor woman that she liked because Annalise didn’t want it. That baby was the baby we saw today (not Wes). The new baby was a sort of stepbrother to Wes, and that’s why Wes knows the name Christophe — that’s Annalise’s son (and is actually not Wes). Make sense? Yeah, not to me either. But, that’s all I got for now for this twisty, turny show we call How To Get Away With Murder.
Images: Mitchell Haaseth/ABC; Giphy