BIG 'Gilmore Girls' Revival News. HUGE.

Huge news, Stars Hollow fans: Jess is back! It was announced Wednesday that Milo Ventimiglia officially joined Netflix's Gilmore Girls revival. TVLine has confirmed that the actor will be returning to his role as the original bad boy heartthrob — and Rory’s OTP — Jess. Ventimiglia also confirmed the news with a tweet, including a photo of one episode's script. But, of course, he conveniently covered up any information about the episode he's in (aka, the number or the name) with his pen, so it's impossible to know when Jess will show up in the series... but still, this is big news.
Regardless of Ventimiglia's sneaky tweets, this news has me wondering what all of this means for Rory's love life in the revival, especially since it was confirmed Feb. 4 that Matt Czuchry will be returning to the revival as well. Czuchry, of course, portrayed Logan, Rory's last major boyfriend and the one who actually proposed to her toward the latter half of Season 7. So, does this mean that a showdown for Rory's heart will take place?
Man, I hope so. Because one of the storylines that I always found the most compelling on Gilmore Girls was how those girls managed their hearts. I loved watching Lorelai and Rory navigate the romantic waters of dating and relationships, especially since it was in these relationships that their similarities to each other were the most apparent. The most exciting questions of the show also came from their romantic lives: Would Lorelai and Luke ever get together? Would Rory dump Dean for Jess?
Of course, we know the answers to those questions now, but remember how exciting it made it when those storylines were dangling in front of us like golden carrots?
I can feel my stomach starting to tie in knots with anticipation!
So I'm really hoping that the revival includes some of these original lover's dilemmas for both Rory and Lorelai. And with these original cast members set to return for the revival, it's looking pretty likely that there will be a considerable amount of romantic drama to look forward to.
Now, if only Jared Padalecki — the actor who played Dean, Rory's first boyfriend — was confirmed to be returning as well. Having all three of those boys back in Rory's life would certainly stir up a lot of drama in this revival.
Image: Warner Bros. Pictures