
7 Mistakes You're Making With Your Clothes

by Toria Sheffield

Dressing ourselves — with all the cuts, colors, styles, sizes, trends, tips, and "rules" — can feel overwhelming. There are just so many things to consider and most of us aren't exactly blessed with professional styling teams. It's also why there are likely fashion mistakes you're making without even realizing it.

And by "mistakes" I don't mean a bold style choice that you love that other's aren't on board with (because forget the haters!); I specifically mean mistakes most of us make relating to fit or comfort that mean we don't end up looking the way we intend in the clothes we choose. I know all too well what it's like to feel totally awesome in an outfit, only to look at pictures of yourself later and discover in horror that your shirt was actually see-through, or that you had body parts popping out in places you never intended. I also know what it's like to feel totally frustrated when an item of clothing doesn't look the way it's "supposed to" when on, even when you think you've gotten the right size and it's technically supposed to work with your body type.

If any or all of this sounds familiar, I feel your pain. And I've also compiled a list of seven style mistakes we're all making that could help get to the root of the problem.

1. Wearing The Wrong Bra

I've actually written an entire article on this one because it is such a common mistake — in fact surveys show that 64 percent of women are wearing the wrong bra size. In an article for O Magazine, bra fitting expert and owner of Linda's Bra Salons Linda Becker said it's important to choose support over perceived comfort when shopping for bras, as well as to never assume your size, even after being measured. Instead, she said you need to devote time to trying on different shapes and styles, as sizes will vary by brand. She also said you should reevaluate your size every time you shop for new undergarments, and replace them about twice a year.

2. Not Tailoring Your Clothes

In a piece for Who What Wear, celebrity stylists Emily Current and Meritt Elliott said our tailor should be our best friend, and that you should, "Taper your pant, change the hem of your shirt, or nip in a waist for a better, more flattering fit." Additionally, in an article for's Style section, denim expert Catherine Jacobs reminded us that we should be tailoring our jeans as well.

I personally used to always feel like I could never find the right pair of jeans — they'd fit perfectly on the waist and hips, but be too long or short overall, and so I'd disregard them completely. It didn't even occur to me that the solution was simply getting them hemmed, and the revelation seriously has revolutionized my relationship with jean shopping.

3. Buying Clothes Based On The Size You Want To Be

In another piece for Style, women's fashion expert Cynthia Nellis noted that one of the main mistakes she sees women make regularly is simply buying clothes that don't fit, or more specifically, buying clothes based on intended or desired weight loss. "You should NEVER buy something too small, thinking you'll lose weight -- even if it is a $10 Pucci dress you picked up off eBay," she said.

Additionally, in a webinar on her website, personal stylist Alexandra Greenawalt stressed that women shouldn't think about their clothes in terms of size, but rather in terms of how they feel on. "There is no size standardization — you could buy a four at one store, and a size eight at another," she said. "You have to throw out the idea of 'I'm gonna be this number,' and just completely focus on how it fits."

4. Wearing Uncomfortable Shoes

Current and Elliott also stressed the importance of not wearing shoes that are actively so uncomfortable that they change the way you walk. "It's so important to feel and look confident," they wrote. "Rather than opting for an uncomfortable shoe that's on-trend, go for a comfortable, timelessly chic wedge or a low pointy-toe heel. Adding confidence to your walk makes for a better overall look!" I think we can all agree that however cute a shoe might look when you're standing perfectly still in front of a mirror, it looks decidedly less so when you're hobbling down the street.

5. Going Overboard On Retro

In a piece for StyleCaster, site director Perrie Samotin said that going for a retro look without a modern spin can end up looking more like a costume. "Love the look of a wild ’80s neon sweater you found at the Salvation Army? Leave the leggings and sneakers at home and opt for a pair of super-sleek skinny jeans, natural hair and makeup, and a great pair of ankle boots. Found a vintage swingy midi-skirt? Style it with modern staples like a cropped leather jacket and a sleek pair of pointy heels as opposed to wearing a pussy-bow blouse and pearls," she wrote. Of course, if a costume, head-to-toe vintage look is what you're going for, then more power to you!

6. Spending A Lot On "One-Season-Wonders"

Samotin also noted that it's usually a mistake to splurge on something that is super "in" at any given time or that has some kind of novelty phrase or picture on it, because odds are it won't stand the test of time. So before you drop 50 bucks or more on a piece, really think about if it's something you really want, or just something you want right now.

7. Not Having A Plan

And finally, Nellis said that a super common wardrobe blunder many of us make is not having an overall plan. Buying lots of odds and ends just because they're on sale or at a good price can mean you have "lots of clothes and nothing to wear," she wrote. Instead, she said to be sure you already own clothes you can pair an item with before buying it, and this will help ensure you have a cohesive closet overall.

If you're not loving the way your clothes are looking, it could very well be because of a few basic mistakes. The good news is, they're all super easy to fix and mostly just come down to making sure you're choosing the right size and fit.

Images: Giphy (7)