Did Jeneve Make The Top 24?

It's Judgement Day in Hollywood. 60 American Idol contestants will become 24, which means plenty of dreams will be dashed tonight. One dream that isn't being dashed, though, is that of 15-year-old Jeneve Rose Mitchell — the mountain girl is headed to the Top 24. Mitchell is most known in this game for her country girl look. She's been a polarizing contestant since the start because of it — her voice is unique but her cowgirl is a little too over-the-top for some to understand. Idol fans in the Twitterverse are certainly divided over Mitchell, and they're not being quiet about it.
Some are elated:
Others are outraged:
Some are cautiously optimistic:
And others just want to give her a makeover:
First of all, let's cut the girl a break on a break on her style — she lives on a mountain in the middle of nowhere with no access to cable or Internet. There is no way to expect her to be ready to walk to the runway at Fashion Week. Sure, the country look is a lot, but there are stylists for that. There's no doubt she'll be receiving a makeover on her first day in the Top 24.
On to Mitchell's talent. There's no denying the girl can sing, but there's just something unique about her sound that's leaving America divided. Her sound is country meets rock meets — I don't even know. There's just something about it that can't be identified, which is why fans haven't been won over immediately. With a little bit of training, there's no doubt that Mitchell will be able to refine her talent to something that's original but more approachable.
But the question of the hour is: will Mitchell last long in this competition? Unfortunately for her, most likely not. There are already favorites among the Top 24, and she's not one of them. Unless she rocks it in her Top 24 performance, Mitchell probably has only a week or two left in this game.
Image: Michael Becker/FOX