Every Question 'Gilmore Girls' Fans Want Answered

No matter your opinion on the final season of Gilmore Girls, it's pretty impossible to deny that the final scene in the series was poignant and touching — perhaps one of the best scenes to ever eclipse the end of such a hilarious, unapologetic, and accessible series. It was nine years ago now that we bid a "Bon Voyage" to our beloved and relatable Gilmore girls and the town of Stars Hollow; however, with the news of a Gilmore Girls Netflix revival series consisting of four 90-minute episodes and the return of everyone from Lorelai to Rory to Jess to Mrs. Kim, Gilmore Girls mania has all but died down. In fact, as a hardcore fan, all I've been doing lately is pondering what storylines the show could include, and noting all the questions the Gilmore Girls revival series needs to answer when it premieres.
When I found out about the series revival, I cried. I cried as hard as I cried when Rory and her mother sat in Luke's diner one last time in 2007 before she left to be the next Christiane Amanpour — I happily and whole-heartedly admit this. My addiction to this series is basically the same as Lorelai Gilmore's addiction to coffee: Intense, and all-consuming. I literally NEED Gilmore Girls in an IV (I get that's not possible in any sense, but whatever). With every passing day bringing us more and more news about the revival, my excitement — as well as the excitement of all die-hard fans — is mounting. And, of course, with that excitement comes budding curiosity and insurmountable questions. Like, more questions than glasses of iced tea ordered by Norman Mailer at Lorelai and Sookie's inn.
With that being said, I figured it was only best that I ease everyone's (read: my) racing minds and hearts with 42 questions every Gilmore Girls has had on the mind for the past nine years, and most definitely need answered after we patiently "walk around, do a little dance, make a sandwich" and wait for our #motherdaughtergoals to return to the world.
1. Are The Gilmore Girls Single?
Over the course of its seven-season run, both Lorelai and Rory have seen many men walk in and out of their lives. Recently, creator Amy Sherman-Palladino announced Rory will definitely be single — but what about Lorelai? Is she with Luke? Is she back with Christopher? Is she with someone totally new?
2. Team Jess? Team Dean? Team Logan?
Yes, it's true: The trifecta of Rory's ex-boyfriends have all confirmed their return to the small screen. But what will this mean for Rory's love life? Will she choose busboy, grocery store checkout boy, or the rich kid? Is there anyone new in her life?
3. Did Rory Make It As A Journalist?
It was Mitchum Huntzberger who told Rory she didn't have "it" when it came to journalism — sending her into a downward spiral that caused her to leave Yale and get into an enormous and heart-wrenching fight with Lorelai — only to have ex-boyfriend Jess Mariano knock some serious sense into her. Of course, Rory definitely had "it." You don't become editor of the Yale Daily News by not having "it." So, did she make it? Is she at the New York Times now? Did she surpass the career of her idol, Christiane Amanpour? Is she now covering Hillary Clinton's campaign?
4. Will Rory Debrief Us On All Things Obama?
The revival series is said to be set eight years in the future — but Rory left Stars Hollow to cover Barack Obama's presidential campaign in 2008, so we will get to hear about everything she saw on the campaign trail back in the day?
5. Will Presient Barack Obama Make A Cameo?
This is a legitimate question. Don't act like it isn't. He was sort of Rory's boss.
6. Are Lulu And Kirk Married Yet?
Kirk is one of the most eccentric, hilarious, and bizarre characters to ever cross my television screen. I want him to be happy — and somehow, Lulu gets him. Since he is in the business of having rings on hand, did he pop the question?
7. If Kirk And Lulu Are Married, Do They Have Kids?
Could you imagine Kirk... a father?! How much you want to bet he asks Luke to be the godfather?!
8. How Will Edward Herrmann's Real-Life Death Be Written In?
Hands-down, this is one of the bigger questions on every one's mind. Gilmore Girls fans mourned the loss of Edward Herrmann on New Year's Eve in 2014 — it was devastating news. How will the show possibly approach the loss of Herrmann?
9. Are Friday Night Dinners Still A Thing?
With an empty seat at the end of the table, does this mean the girls don't get to banter during weekly Friday night meals? Has Lorelai become more patient and sympathetic towards her mother? How are Emily and Rory coping?
10. Where Do Things Stand With Luke And Lorelai Now?
The last we saw of Luke and Lorelai was a very passionate kiss... but where do things stand now? Did they live happily ever after?
11. If They Are Together, Did Luke Finally Decide To Buy The Twickham House?
In Season 5, Luke fights with the town elders to buy the Twickham house against Kirk for Lorelai and their future children... d'aww. But, Luke sells the house back realizing his mistake of not consulting with Lorelai first. He had the best intentions, but will he buy it again?! He did say he could get it back...
12. Do We Finally Get A Wedding?
Lorelai had one true love in her life — Luke — and he wanted to get married, but his unknown daughter came into the picture, and for whatever reason, he didn't include Lorelai in raising her. Fast-forward to mid-Season 7, this created a lot of heartbreak, tension and stress very quickly. It also was the result of Lorelai breaking up with Luke, sleeping with Chris (Rory's father) and the wedding being called off. (Yes, let it all come back to you that nothing will be happening on their wedding day, June 3.) With the new series underway, does this mean we will get to see Luke and Lorelai GET MARRIED?! For the love of God, please! (And let it be on June 3rd!)
13. Do Luke And Lorelai Have Kids?
Lorelai is #momgoals — I mean, who didn't want her to be their mom/best friend? And we all know seeing Luke try his best to parent April late in the game was so cute. Seeing them parent together would be amazing.
14. Will Christopher Be Back To Stir Up Trouble?
Let's not mistake the fact that Christopher Hayden is indeed returning to Stars Hollow. But what does this mean for his character? Will he be back pining over Lorelai despite their divorce? Will he cause more tension with Luke and Lorelai if there is a relationship there? Will there be another fist fight? How is his relationship with Rory now?
15. Will We See A Grown-Up GiGi?
With Chris back, will Christopher's other daughter/Rory's half-sister Gigi make a comeback? And without much of a mother figure in the picture, will she be a complete juxtaposition of Rory and be rebellious? Or does she actually have a good relationship with her half-sister and once step-mother Lorelai?
16. Where's Sherry Tinsdale Now?
Last we heard of Sherry Tisdale, Gigi's absentee mother, she was in Paris living it up. Where is Sherry now? Is she back full-time in Gigi's life? Did her and Chris make amends?
17. What Will The Excuse For Not Having Sookie Home In Stars Hollow Be?
On February 2, the hearts of Gilmore Girls fans around the world broke when Melissa McCarthy tweeted she will not be reprising her role as Sookie St. James. So, how on Earth will they explain this in revival? Sookie was such an integral part of the series — she is Lorelai's best friend, co-owner of the Dragonfly Inn, and a key member of Stars Hollow society... SO WHY IS SHE NOT IN STARS HOLLOW?!
18. If Sookie Isn't Around, Does That Mean Jackson Won't Return Either?
No more childhood photo pajamas? No more vegetable banter? No more rebellion against Taylor Doose? Please, say it ain't so!
19. Will We Ever Get To See All Of Sookie's Kids Grown-Up?
Did Davey learn to turn down the TV yet? How old is Martha now? Will we ever get to meet Sookie's third child?! With no Sookie and no Jackson, it seems like Lorelai and Rory's godchildren might only be mentioned in passing.
20. Did Paris Become A Doctor?
On the topic of best friends, Paris Geller is set to return into Rory's life with the new series — so did she graduate from Harvard Medical School and become a successful doctor yet? We do know that Liza Weil went on to be a psychotic defense attorney/murderer on the hit series, How To Get Away With Murder — but who is the crazy yet hilarious Paris tormenting these days?
21. Are Paris And Doyle Married?
Weird people finding weird soulmates is Gilmore Girls' speciality. Paris and Doyle were prime examples of this. With actor Danny Strong confirmed to return, what will this mean for the seriousness of Paris and Doyle relationship?
22. Where Are Madeline And Louise Today?
Remember Rory's other Chilton buddies/bullies, Madeline and Louise? Well, where is the chic duo now? Will they make a comeback? Are they still partying in Florida?
23. And What About Lane?
Luckily, one of the Gilmores will have their best friend around — Keiko Agena will be back as the biggest rebel child, Lane Kim. But last we saw of Lane, she was married with twins. So, what is Lane up to this days? How are her and Zack?
24. Is Hep Alien Performing Again?
Hep Alien, the coolest, rockiest band in all of Stars Hollow took a long hiatus during Season 7, and their guitarist Zack was offered a two-month tour with Vapor Rub as their lead guitarist. With the revival and Brian confirmed to return, will Hep Alien rock again? Will they go on a reunion tour?
25. Will We See A Grown-Up Kwan And Steve?
Lane and Zack's twins are the one storyline I am definitely looking forward to the most. Are Kwan and Steve in the band? Are they rebellious like Lane was?
26. What's Mrs. Kim Up To?
Of course, Stars Hollow would not be Stars Hollow without Mrs. Kim or Kim's Antiques, so what's Mrs. Kim up to? (Thankfully, this will probably be answered, as Emily Kuroda is set to reprise her role.)
27. Where Are Babette And Miss Patty?
The town of SH also wouldn't be complete without the return of its rumor mill... so, what have our favorite gossip gals been up to?
28. Is Taylor Still Trying To Rule The Town?
We all know Taylor Doose will never truly rest until he owns every property and small business in Stars Hollow — so I can only imagine what he has done to our little home in Connecticut after eight years...
29. How Is The Dragonfly Inn's Business Doing?
Our new favorite inn better still be standing when the series is resurrected. But, if not, did thw Dragonfly go under before making profit? Was the Inn featured in any more magazines?
30. Does Michel Eat Carbs Yet?
Actor Yanic Truesdale confirmed his return as snarky and sarcastic French Dragonfly Inn employee, Michel Gerard, but the question remains, has Michel finally started eating carbs again? Do we finally see him date instead of hearing a cryptic phone call?
31. What's April Up To?
With confirmation that Vanessa Marano will be returning to her role of April in the series, I have to wonder: What's she been up to since the conclusion of the series? Did she attend Yale like Rory, whom she was basically a mini-me of?
32. Is Dean Still Alone And Pining For Rory?
After cheating on his wife, Lindsay, with Rory, things didn't look so good for Dean in the love department — but it's been a while since that. Did he finally make amends with Lindsay or is he still waiting on his first love?
33. Will There Be A New Theme Song?
Fuller House, the rebooted Netflix series spin-off of Full House, got hold of Carly Rae Jepsen to rerecord the show's infamous theme song. Will GG follow suit in revival series trends and get a new singer to get us to follow where they lead?
34. Will We See A Grown-Up Doula?
Luke's sister, Liz, came into the Gilmore Girls picture quite late — but the show still gave us plenty of time to fall in love with her and her quirky husband, T.J. We eventually got to see Liz become a mother to daughter Doula for a second time, and T.J. become a first-time parent... so will we get to see a grown-up Doula? And since Jess is 100 percent back, will we see a brotherly instinct in him?
35. Does Rory Reconnect With Marty?
This is one theory I am definitely rooting for. Marty and Rory never fully got a chance to be together on the show. Will the revival allow for a possible rekindling — at least of their friendship?
36. Is Emily Still In The DAR?
She did rule that group — it's a valid question.
37. Will Paul Anka Return?
The dog, Paul Anka. Not, the human Paul Anka. The amount of problems this furry guy had was utterly hilarious. How did he manage to lock the car door?
38. Have The Gilmore Girls' Eating Habits Slowed Down With Age?
One of my favorite things about this show was these girls could eat just like me. But, that was nine years ago, so have their eating habits changed? (Of course they haven't.)
39. Do Lorelai And Rory Watch Netflix Now Instead Of Their Old VHS Tapes?
From Casablanca to Riding the Bus with My Sister, Lorelai had every recorded VHS known to man stocked up in her house. Does she finally purge her collection and get rid of everything since Netflix exists? Or does she rebel against this new streaming system and keep her VCR? How do the Gilmore girls feel about TV today?
40. What Are The Final Four Words?
Ah yes: The long-mythicized final four words of the series. We know they're included in this revival thanks to an interview Lauren Graham did with TVLine — but what are they?!
41. Will There Be Flashbacks?
After all, we do have eight whole years to catch up on...
42. Will We Ever Get To See Lorelai's "Porn Star" T-shirt?
Remember in Season 2, when Rory brings Dean to Friday night dinner and Richard has a meltdown? Well, while debriefing the argument back at home with Rory, Lorelai promises to wear her "porn star t-shirt" to dinner if Rory cuts Richard some slack... SO WILL WE EVER GET TO SEE SAID T-SHIRT?
With every new day, there is a new piece of Gilmore Girls revival news — and even more questions come with it. After watching the series over countless times, I cannot wait for my girls to return to my life. With the show back hopefully very soon, now is the perfect time — if you haven't yet — to grab a hot cup of joe (or two) and keep on rewatching!
Images: Warner Bros. Television (11); Giphy (7); countless-lovers-under-cover(2), prepinkentucky, yeah-its-gilmore-girls(3), friday-night-dinner(2), halpertjames, latenightswithamanda, itwasagreatkiss(3), gilmoresdaily, gilmore-isms, danascullyandfoxmulderforever, virginiabluebell, aprilsnardini, rockmanxexe, astudy-of-bakerstreet, telefilmaddictedforever(2), ramonadryleaf, diablopicorojo, styleandcheek/Tumblr