7 Skin-Saving Hangover Remedies To Try Tomorrow

Cheers, people — it's finally the weekend. But if you suspect your Friday night fun might end up in Saturday morning misery, now's the time to plan ahead. Here are seven skin-saving hangover remedies to stock up on before a night out. As the Boy Scouts say, hope for the best, expect the worst.
Not only does a God-awful hangover wreak havoc on your stomach and your head, but your skin suffers big-time, too. Looking in the mirror after a wild night out can seem like staring at a zombie. Our skin is ill-equipped to deal with poor sleep and dehydration and toxins from alcohol, so some damage control is usually in order.
Thankfully, there are some remedies that'll treat your aching head, relentless nausea, and dull skin. Stacey Morgenstern and Carey Peters, wellness experts and founders of Health Coach Institute, gave me the scoop on the nutritious hangover remedies that really will give you and your complexion a little life (even when you feel like you're "literally" dying.)
Whether you've got brunch plans or spin class on the books, these will have you feeling and looking like you got a restful eight hours. I mean, you'll be like a magical hangover unicorn — after putting these seven remedies to work, no one will know you spent your Friday night dancing the night away (with more cocktails in hand than you'd like to admit). Or, y'know, just Netflixing with the company of a bottle of wine.
May the odds be ever in your favor, friends. Happy Friday!
GT's Enlightened Kombucha, $63.43 for 12,
Instead of reaching for your go-to hangover sports drink (hi, blue Powerade), opt for Kombucha, a type of fermented tea. "Kombucha is packed with probiotics, B vitamins and detoxifiers for your liver," Morgenstern and Peters explain. While homemade is best, let's be honest — I'm not about to make kombucha in any sort of hungover state (or, any state at all, TBH.) If you're like me, opt for a reputable organic brand at a health store.
Chicken Broth
Pacific Foods Organic Free Range Chicken Broth, $4.29,
There's a reason chicken soup is an illness cure-all — and it goes for hangovers, too. Chicken broth is easy on your stomach, and the cysteine in chicken helps your liver recover, according to Greatist. To go the full domestic route, DIY it, as Morgenstern and Peters recommend. If you're not about that life, again, opt for a fresh organic brand.
Coconut Water
Vita Coco Coconut Water, $1.69,
"Coconut water contains electrolytes that your body craves when hungover: potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorous, and calcium. It’s one of the best rehydrators out there," Morgenstern and Peters say. You had me at coconut, so I'm in. Again, a more nutritious option than gatorade.
"Bananas are great for hangovers because they’re packed with potassium, which gets depleted in your system from too much alcohol," according to Morgenstern and Peters. "And they contain fructose and glucose, which metabolize toxins and restore glycogen levels." Even better? A banana smoothie with coconut water. Boom — a one-two punch.
Almond Butter
Justin's Almond Butter, $12.09,
AB&J sandwich, anyone? "Almond butter is super high in Vitamin E and fats that support the liver," Morgenstern and Peters say. Throw some in that banana and coconut water smoothie we talked about, or spread it on dry toast. One question... do chocolate peanut butter cups count, too?
Skin Masks
Peter Thomas Roth Brightening Bubbling Mask, $55,
If your skin's still not perking up after getting the nutritional treatment, reach for a hydrating or brightening mask to give it some help. While there are plenty of overnight moisturizing masks out there, chances are, you probably won't remember to slap it on before falling into bed. (No judgement.) The brightening, antioxidant, and hydrating ingredients in Peter Thomas Roth's Brightening Bubbling Mask give your skin an instantly visible boost after a long night out (plus, the cooling gel-to-foam formula is ultra refreshing when you feel anything but.)
Good 'Ol H20
I've saved the best for last — sometimes, the most effective solution is the simplest. It's no secret that alcohol is extremely dehydrating, so just in case you didn't do that whole alternate-with-water thing (...does anyone do that?), make up for it the day after by chugging the elixir of life (Morgenstern and Peters suggest drinking between 64 ounces and .67 percent of your body weight on the daily.) Paired with an afternoon nap if you can swing it, your skin will be good as new (and so will you.)
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