
Someone Listed An Igloo On Airbnb During Jonas

by Lily Feinn

Airbnb has been a life-saver for budget travelers and those searching for a unique, authentic experience. Every now and then a listing pops up that is too good not to book, as is the case with "Boutique Winter Igloo For 2." If you want to experience the authentic Brooklyn lifestyle, paying an exorbitant amount to live in a temporary, poorly-constructed room with no natural light hits the nail on the head. Forego that stodgy hotel with "clean sheets" and a "continental breakfast," and you'll be seeing through the eyes of a native Brooklynite in no time.

While the igloo had plenty of hipster touches, is that enough to merit its $200 a night price tag? The Airbnb description of this igloo is written in true NY real estate spin style, "Dripping with ingenuity and alt-lifestyle aura lays the Snopocalypse of 2016's most desirable getaway. Hand-crafted, and built using only natural elements — we're offering the experience of a life time in this chic dome-style bungalow for you and bae."

Patrick M. Horton, an advertising art director, took advantage of Storm Jonas' record-breaking snowfall and constructed this unique rental with his roommates in the yard of their Greenpoint, Brooklyn residence on India Street. While the 26 inches of firm powder provided an eco-friendly building material, the price tag is very high for a property without a private bath.

A small tree placed at the entrance certainly added a classy touch but, the interior left something to be desired. Four plastic-wrapped pillows and a blanket-covered floor made up for the entirety of the amenities. Of course, people moving to NY are used to making due with less.

Sadly for you aspiring snow dwellers, Airbnb promptly removed the listing from their site. According to DNAinfo , a rep named Dustin contacted Horton to break the news, "We are happy to see that you guys are staying busy and having fun during Blizpocalypse. Unfortunately, your igloo, while very well constructed, has failed to meet our occupancy standards and has been removed from search results." While igloos themselves are allowed on Airbnb, they must meet certain requirements added Dustin, "Be sure to pick a place with running water, electricity, and a roof that doesn't melt." Horton didn't seem too cut up about it, and has certainly received a lot of love on Twitter #IglooAndChill.

Alas, this isn't the first time Airbnb has had to remove a backyard living option. In 2013, Steve's backyard in Napa offered an affordable alternative for those on wine-tasting tours. Though it did not have an igloo, it was much more wallet-friendly at $80 a night. According to Digital Trends the backyard accommodated up to six and included rusty barbells, a picnic table, and two plastic chairs. No smoking or pets allowed. Also, not included were running water or a roof — though tents would be provided for an extra charge. (Ouch.)

Thankfully, there are still options available on Airbnb for the adventurous traveller. If you are hankerin' for a romantic rental that will barely separate you from the elements, you can rent Andrew's Sioux tipi. This cone-shaped construction is a steal at $145 a night located in historic Woodstock, NY.

This 18 foot tipi accommodates up to four, which is perfect so that you and your friends can huddle together for warmth. There is a fire pit, for those who know how to build a fire. And while the bathroom and shower is outside, at least there is Internet!

It's true — you get so much more for your money when you leave the city.

Images: pexels, patrickmhorton/Twitter, motherboard/Twitter, Airbnb; Pixabay