The Cat Is The Real Star Of The 'Keanu' Trailer

Jordan Peele has just been dumped. Not really, but in the new trailer for Keanu , the upcoming Key and Peele comedy, he has just been dumped. The trailer opens with Peele in typical jilted-lover repose — on a couch, abundant tissues, weepy music, pathetic fallacy — until he hears a muted howl from outside his front door. He opens the door, only to find the cutest cat ever sitting on his doorstep. He names him Keanu, and puts his romantic woes behind him to start over and check off every box of the crazy-cat-lady trope.
But peace doesn't reign for long: Peele returns from a night out to find his apartment has been broken into, and his cat is missing. Only his collar with its little "Keanu" tag remains. Key and Peele's characters Clarence and Rell set off on a hunt for the kidnapped kitten, going undercover as dealers from a local gang in order to infiltrate the ranks of the kidnappers. And even though the cat's absence is what drives the plot, the trailer still features just enough Keanu to make the whole thing worthwhile. (Honestly, when Keanu is kidnapped, I almost tuned out — but he still makes a couple of appearances that keep the cat lovers among us thirsting for more.) These Keanu gifs break down all of the feline companion's scene-stealing performances, because as funny as Key and Peele can be, Keanu is the whole point.
1. Keanu Comes Home To Rell
Just look at those matching faces of excitement on the man and his cat!
2. "That Is The Cutest Cat I've Ever Seen," Clarence Tells Him
It's not even hyperbole to say Keanu is the cutest cat any of us have ever seen.
3. "We In The Market Right Now For, Like, A Gangster Pet."
Such deep eyes, such range of expression. An awards-worthy performance, in all likelihood.
4. Keanu Is Basically An Action Hero
Keanu is billed as an action comedy, and it's probably due in no small part to the daring feats carried out by its lead role: the cat.
5. "Keanu Needs You"
Despite what Clarence says in the trailer, I'm actually pretty sure Keanu does just fine fending for himself in Keanu. Still, I admire the loyalty between a man and his cat.
6. Keanu Gets Caught In The Middle Of Feuding Gangs
While the cat's on the run, the humans around him fight to claim ownership — with good reason, because this cat is literally the cutest.
7. Also, There Are No Seatbelts For Cats
So even when he's back in Rell's loving arms, Keanu might still be in peril.
Even though he's kidnapped, Keanu puts in a good showing in the movie. It's probably a smart marketing bet, too — even the worst action movies could be redeemed with a cat. Imagine how much better Terminator: Geni-cat would have been than Genisys, or Avengers: Age Of Cat-tron, or The Last Kitty Hunter.
Images: New Line Cinema (8)