
The Internet Is Freaking Out About The Miam Rumors

by Arielle Tschinkel

Ever since reports surfaced that Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth hung out over New Year's in Australia, rumors have taken the fast track from hanging out to the former couple being married by the end of the year. Adding fuel to the fire are recent photos snapped by Cyrus for her Instagram in which she's wearing a ring on that finger that looks awfully similar to the engagement ring she sported before she and Hemsworth broke off their engagement in 2013. Sources are even saying the two have already moved back in together. Naturally, the Internet is freaking out .

If the rumors are true, it's possible Hemsworth and Cyrus have been seeing each other on the down low for a while, and are only becoming more publicly open about the reconciliation now. But if they really only reunited over New Year's, then it's safe to say this is one fast-moving roller coaster ride the two stars are on. We're not even a month into 2016, and if a relationship can go from exes to moving in and planning a wedding in under a month, I'm not sure how much staying power it has. Neither Cyrus nor Hemsworth have confirmed anything about their relationship (Bustle reached out to their reps for comment on the engagement and moving in together rumors, but has not yet heard back), but that doesn't mean people don't have feelings about it.

Some People Are Excited

Really, Really Excited

Sorry, Santa

There's Always Tinder, Though...

Well, OK!

Ummm... What?

Aww, Mom!

But Some People Are Skeptical...

Perhaps It's A Publicity Stunt?

Some Are Annoyed

Some Are In Complete Disbelief

But The General Consensus Is...

Alright, Miam shippers, until it's confirmed, keep playing The Last Song on repeat to your heart's content.