Let me preface this entire article with a disclaimer: I think that Zac Efron is an extremely talented actor and comedian. I also think he looks extremely good with his shirt off, and it’s okay that both of those statements are equally true. Who knew that the singing/dancing moppet from the very first High School Musical movie would grow up into being the delicious dish he is today. Fortunately for his admirers, Zac Efron seems to have no trouble with varying levels of nudity in most of his film projects. (Or on TV. Remember when Rita Ora stripped him down on the MTV Movie Awards?) Dirty Grandpa comes out on Jan 22, and the trailers feature a heavy dose of the actor’s naked torso. (And Robert De Niro’s too, if you’re into it.) But if you can’t wait until then to gaze upon that form, these seven shirtless Zac Efron scenes from throughout his film career will tide you over.
Sometimes he’s tossing the shirt off for love; sometimes he’s doing it in the name of comedy; once, Efron’s toplessness saved a girl’s life. (Sort of.) These iconic half-nude Efron scenes show just how versatile his lack of a shirt can be.
1. Neighbors
As a minor fraternity god in a stand-off with his young, married neighbors, Efron gave his best untouchable, hunky college guy. It's not the only shirtless scene in the film, but the front yard barbecue gets extra points for creative hot dog usage.
2. The Paperboy
The Lee Daniels drama received mixed reviews when it came out in 2012. But it was all raves for Zac Efron's man-child character sauntering around his bedroom in tighty-whities.
3. Charlie St. Cloud
True story: I was so distracted by Efron's beauty in this schmaltzy romantic drama that I didn't see the very obvious twist coming. The shirtless-ness here is heroic: Efron's character strips down to save a shipwrecked Tess from hypothermia.
4. We Are Your Friends
Aspiring EDM DJs have got to shower too. If there's a camera there when they do, so be it.
5. That Awkward Moment
The bright spot in this fairly generic "boys will be boys!" comedy is Efron's Jason, who has his fair share of awkward and sans-shirt adventures before he's forced to finally grow up.
6. 17 Again
A running joke in the Big-in-reverse comedy 17 Again is that the teenage version of Mike O'Donnell (played by Matthew Perry as an adult) can eat anything he wants while still retaining a six-pack. But if Efron wasn't hitting the gym for several hours a day to look like this, life is officially not fair.
7. The Lucky One
Movies based on Nicholas Sparks novels have hit on a formula that might keep them coming forever: star-crossed couple; a misunderstanding or outside forces trying to break them apart; personal growth that might lead to lost love; and finally, beautifully lit love scenes between very, very pretty people.
Congratulations on your amazing career in shirtlessness, Zac Efron. Shameless objectification has never looked so good.
Images: Universal Pictures; Giphy (7)