Most of the people who have become Internet famous from Vine are guys. Whether they became popular thanks to relatability and looks or great jokes and an impressive backflip, Vine celebrities tend to be male. Lizzza is one of the few exceptions.
A high school senior, Lizzza, actually spelled Liza, has Vine stardom to rival plenty of the site's best known guys. And just like the guys, she uses relatable humor to make her 1.5 million followers laugh, like, and revine. Of course there are some differences, the key one being that some of her Vines are actually meant to relate to girls—including many of her most popular posts.
Just because Liza is a girl, however, doesn't mean she only appeals to other girls. Her videos are funny for everyone and plenty of their comments come from guys. The only way she seems to really differ from male Vine stars is that her fans seem to stick to Vine. She only has 131,000 Instagram followers and 4,000 Twitter followers, more than the average high school student but not quite as many as her male contemporaries.
Still, that could be explained by the differences between her social media profiles. While many male Vine stars use Twitter and Instagram to promote their videos, show what was going on behind the scenes and pose with fellow online celebrities, Liza's Instagram and Twitter are what you'd expect to see from a teenage girl. She posts selfies, interacts with her friends and talks about school. Liza is really just Liza there, but on Vine, Lizzza creates videos that consistently garner thousands of views.
This recent Vine shows many of Liza's signatures, she makes funny faces, changes her voice and makes fun of common topics.
So far, that Vine has gotten over 86,000 likes, even though it's primarily aimed at girls. Need more proof that girl-focused humor can do well on Vine? Take the following video.
That Vine has over 263,000 likes and 281,000 revines. Not bad for girls, huh? But Liza's non-specific Vines can do just as well, like the one below.
There's no way of understanding why this Vine has 242,000 likes and revines, but it does. Liza's fans love her videos and respond to her specific brand of humor. The best way to see just how random her videos and their success can be is to look at the Vine that made her famous.
Bill Nye the Science Guy knows no gender.
And thanks to Liza, neither does Vine. Right now she's part of a very small group of female Vine celebrities, but she should be joined by many more soon. She's helped make room for other funny girls out there who are sick of letting the guys hog the spotlight six seconds at a time.
Images: lizzzak/Instagram