Sanders' Dem Debate Facial Expressions Said It All

In Sunday night's fourth Democratic debate in South Carolina, Bernie Sanders did not hold back his facial expressions when attacked by his biggest liberal rival — Hillary Clinton. As presidential candidates in a live televised forum, Sanders, Clinton, and Martin O'Malley typically maintain their composure when criticized by one another, the moderators, or the crowd. However, Sanders wasn't able to hide his emotions on Sunday, and gave Clinton major side-eye glares when she said something he didn't particularly like.
This certainly wasn't the first time Sanders got worked up during a debate, but his facial expressions were even more unfiltered this time around. The top two Democratic candidates didn't hold back in the NBC News/YouTube forum, growing more assertive and aggressive toward one another as the night went on. So, Sanders just couldn't help himself when Clinton claimed he hadn't supported President Obama and tried to find a candidate to run against Obama in a primary in 2011.
"He's criticized President Obama for taking donations from Wall Street, and President Obama has led our country out of the great recession," Clinton said of Sanders. "Senator Sanders called him weak, disappointing." After that line, Sanders' harsh side-eye couldn't be restrained and let everyone watching know there was a sharp response coming from the Vermont senator.
Sanders immediately responded to Clinton's personal attack, telling voters:
Set the record right. In 2006 when I ran for the Senate, Senator Barack Obama was kind enough to campaign for me, 2008, I did my best to see that he was elected and in 2012, I worked as hard as I could to see that he was reelected. He and I are friends. We've worked together on many issues. We have some differences of opinion.
Although this monumental side-eye was hard to miss, Sanders' facial expressions throughout the debate were very candid, showing viewers exactly how he felt about all of Clinton's comments. Of course, the opponents disagree on how the next president should handle issues like health care, big banks, and campaign finance, but the rivalry grew more intense in the last Democratic debate before the first caucuses in Iowa kick off Feb. 1. Along with being super entertaining, Sanders' extra-expressive faces highlighted his increasing frustrations with the Clinton campaign's criticisms of his actions and ideologies, which are growing more harsh as the weeks pass.
Regardless, that intense side-eye could burn a hole through a wall.
Image: Caroline Wurtzel for Bustle, Getty Images