ASU Frat Expelled After Their MLK "Black Party"

After an incredibly racist display of zero common sense on Martin Luther King Day on Monday, the Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity at Arizona State University has been officially expelled from campus. On Monday, frat bros took the evening to commemorate the civil rights leader — but doing so by dressing in basketball jerseys, making gang signs, and labeling the party #blackoutformlkday on social media was probably not the best way to do it.
“It was just a raucous, racist rally, and they used Dr. King’s holiday as a mask for racial villainy and harassment,” noted Arizona civil rights activist Rev. Jarret Maupin, who called the party a "minstrel show" Tuesday and demanded expulsion for all the students involved.
Arizona State officials first suspended the frat Monday for encouraging a "racially insensitive theme, and... an environment conducive to underage consumption of alcohol." Now, the college has officially cut ties with the frat. Tau Kappa Epsilon was already on probation for a fight that took place off-campus two years ago.
The national chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon is, understandably, pretty embarrassed about their symbolic siblings' behavior. “It is with embarrassment and regret when a few individuals within our organization make decisions that do not align with the values and principles of Tau Kappa Epsilon,” said spokesman Alex Baker.