Disney came under heavy fire after the release of the new Star Wars film, The Force Awakens. Not because the movie wasn't any good, but because the film's main protagonist, Rey, was largely missing from toy shelves. Can you imagine if there were no Luke Skywalker toys when the original trilogy came out? Or no Frodo toys for Lord of the Rings? Or how about a set of Harry Potter toys without... Harry Potter? Of course you can't. But here's what all of those heroes have in common: They're all male. Rey is a woman, and that's why most people think toy companies didn't bother duplicating her likeness. Because who wants a girl action figure? Lots of people, obviously, which is why Star Wars Rey toys are finally available. It's about time.
Basically, the people couldn't be ignored. The hashtag #WheresRey began trending after fans started noticing that the Force user was absent from several new Force Awakens toys. There was the six figure Target set that featured Finn, Poe Dameron, Kylo Ren, Chewbacca, a Stormtrooper, and... a First Order pilot. Then there was the Star Wars Monopoly game, featuring just Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Kylo Ren, and Finn. But thankfully, due to public demand, there is a whole slew of awesome Rey toys in the new wave of Force Awakens merchandise.
So where can you get these sweet Rey toys? Basically, wherever fine toys are sold. Amazon, Target, Toys 'R' US — you name it. So take a look below at the new Rey toys, most of which were unveiled by EW, and then go blow your paycheck on all of them.
Rey With Lightsaber
The newest Hasbro Rey action figure is the first to include her Resistance outfit and blue lightsaber, finally giving fans the opportunity to take home the powerful version of Rey from the end of the film. $7.99, from Hasbro.
Hero Series Rey
That's right, Rey's a hero. Better recognize. This 12" figure features life-like details, so it's like having your own mini-Rey. $9.99, from Hasbro.
Rey's Lightsaber
Not Luke's lightsaber, not Anakin's lightsaber, not Finn's lightsaber. This weapon belongs to Rey now. $19.99, from Hasbro.
Galactic Heroes Rey
In this kid-friendly Playskool set, Rey comes with the added bonus of Captain Phasma — another female character largely absent from earlier toy releases. $6.99, at Target.
Nerf Rey Blaster
Rey's blaster, given to her by Han Solo in the movie, is finally available to own. Though it unfortunately only shoots foam darts rather than lasers. $19.99, from Hasbro.
Rey Big Fig
This 20" Rey figure is long overdue, joining Captain Phasma as the only other female in the already established Big Figs lineup that includes other Star Wars mainstays. $19.99, from Jakks Pacific (not yet released).
LEGO Buildable Rey
Build your own Rey! What could possibly be more enjoyable? $19.99 at Toys 'R' Us.
There is sure to be more Rey merchandise to come, but this looks like a great start. Hopefully everyone can avoid this situation by the time Episode VIII rolls around by, oh I don't know, including Rey in the toy releases to begin with? What a wild idea!
Images: Disney/Lucasfilm; Hasbro; Target; EW; Toys 'R' Us