Women Reveal Their First Impressions Of Porn

A lot of what were read about porn online is men defending it or women condemning it. So we all know what men think about porn, but what do women think of porn? BuzzFeed gathered a small group of women and asked them to explain their first experience with porn. Despite what their video title might suggest, the results are not mind bending. Most of women stumbled into porn the same way men did – accidental channel surfing, clicking links that appear all too curious, or popping in a video tape only to find out that it's a sex tape your parents made ...wait, no! That's not how anyone should ever stumble into porn! Alas, it's true, it happened to one of these women.
Whether your first time watching porn happened on purpose, by accident, or a strange yet healthy mix of the two, most likely you've seen porn. Because while statistically men watch more porn as women, it's actually a much smaller difference than you'd think. According to a 2014 study by the Barna Group, in the age category of 18-30, 79 percent of men admit to watching porn at least once a month, while in the same category 76 percent of women do, too. Yes, that's right, women have labidos, are sexually curious, active and knowledgeable, too.
So don't watch this video to be amazed and stunned by the devastation these poor, innocent women went through when their chaste eyes were exposed to the deviant and dirty world of porn. But do watch it because it's pretty funny and you'll definitely relate to their experiences. Because, women watch porn, too! #shocking
Here are some of the best first porn experiences:
1. No Habla Sexpanol
Did you know that DishTV used to come with a free Spanish Playboy channel? I might even be tempted to pay a subscription fee to watch that bad dubbing. Though one doesn't really need to understand what they're talking about to understand what they're doing.
2. Sex-Ed
Remember back in the day when school computers had to block sites one by one? And if the school didn't know about the site, it be accessible until they did? Ah, those were the days. The realest sex-ed program was off the curriculum.
3. Most Regrettable
Raise your hand if you've clicked this link and forever regretted that moment in time? Raise your hand if you've used birthday candles, eyelashes and shooting stars to wish to un-see it. This video became a taboo internet sensation that people couldn't help but share, if only for the sake of making sure everyone's appetite was equally ruined.
4. Mom?! Dad?!
This was surly not the idea her parents had in mind then they thought of how they'd give their children the talk. Though, to be fair, it probably had a similar terror inducing effect.
Watch the full video here:
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Images: Buzzfeed/YouTube