7 DIY Lip Balms For Super Chapped Lips

Winter's cold, cold temps combined with dry indoor air and perhaps the occasional cuddle and kiss session with someone can lead to some seriously chapped lips. If you're struggling, consider whipping up any (or all!) of these DIY lip balms for super chapped lips. Each recipe is affordable, effective, and totally kissable. In fact, since many incorporate 100 percent edible ingredients, you might be tempted to lick them off!
While I wouldn't consider myself totally addicted to lip balm, I definitely start to get antsy if I am digging around in my purse and don't feel a tube there. I'm also fairly picky and always used to go for the more expensive brands until my former roomie, Evelyn, turned me onto the DIY life.
I've already mentioned Evelyn's mad skills when it came to crafting homemade moisturizers and exfoliating scrubs, and the girl's talents don't stop there. She understood my lip balm obsession and, hands down, my best birthday gift ever from her was a small gift bag totally packed to the brim with tubs of homemade lip balm. Each one was super moisturizing and smelled amazing-and-a-half. Sadly, all of those little tubs are long gone, but I hit up Ev and the web to find the best DIY lip balm recipes out there so your pout can stay soft and chap-free all season.
1. Peppermint Lip Balm
Peppermint Oil, $6.99. NOW Foods
You'll need:
- 5 drops peppermint oil
- 2 Tbs coconut oil
- 1 Tbs beeswax pellets
- 1 Mason Jar
All you do is mix together the wax and coconut oil in your mason jar, put the lid on, and heat the jar in a pot of hot water over medium-high heat on the stove until melted. Remove from heat, add drops of peppermint oil, and pour into desired tub to cool. That's it! For extra sweetness, check out this recipe from The Kitchn, which recommends adding some sweet almond oil to the mix.
2. Lavender Coconut Lip Balm
Culinary Lavender, $11.25, FindLavender
Adapted from MyBakingAddiction's dreamy coconut rose lip balm, you'll need:
- 1 Tbs coconut oil
- 1/8 cup beeswax pellets
- 1 Tbs shea butter
- 2 tbs dried lavender
- 1/2 tsp sweet almond oil
Pour all ingredients except lavender into a microwave-safe bowl and heat in thirty second intervals until totally melted. Remove, stir in dried lavender, and pour in desired tubs to cool. It doesn't get any easier than that.
3. Rosemary Coconut Lip Balm
Whole Rosemary, $2.95, Denver Spice
For an earthier take on the above recipe, I love swapping out dried rosemary for the lavender. Otherwise, the recipe and instructions are exactly the same!
4. Sweet Lemon Lip Balm
Raw Honey, $11.80, EcoBees
Another roomie concoction, this sweet lemon lip balm will leave you swooning. You'll need:
- 1 Tbs beeswax pellets
- 1 Tbs coconut oil
- 1 Tbs organic raw honey
- 5 drops lemon essential oil
Microwave the beeswax and coconut oil until melted, stir in honey and oil, pour into desired tubs, and voila. This recipe from Giving Assistant adds a touch of sweet almond oil and cocoa butter for that extra sweet and soft touch.
5. Mint Chocolate Kiss Balm
Organic Cacao Powder, $7.88, Navitas Naturals
This chocolate mint lip balm recipe adapted from CrunchyBetty is so, so delicious. You'll need:
- 1 Tbs beeswax pellets
- 1 Tbs cocoa butter
- 1/8 cup coconut oil
- 1 tsp raw cacao powder
- 2 drops peppermint essential oil
Follow the preparation for peppermint lip balm above, and wait to stir in the raw cacao powder until everything else is totally melted.
6. Lazy Gal Lip Balm #1
Rose Essential Oil, $10.72, NOWFoods
If your skin doesn't react weirdly to petroleum jelly in any way like mine does, you can make your own customized lip balm in an instant by simply mixing two tablespoons of vaseline with a few drops of your favorite essential oil. My top pick is always rose oil!
7. Lazy Gal Lip Balm #2
Chai Masala Powder, $16.99, Indus Organic
For a saucy lip balm in a snap, mix about a 1/2 tsp of chai spice mix into two tablespoons of petroleum jelly. If you're feeling not as lazy, infuse the chai spice in some olive oil and add some beeswax to the mix!
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Images: Tachina Lee/Unsplash; Courtesy of Brands