It's a brand-new year, which means we all want to do one thing: use the next 12 months to get our lives in order. Since 2014, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up has helped thousands of people de-clutter and get organized. Now Marie Kondo's Spark Joy book trailer is finally out, and it's got a tutorial to help you get a jump-start on your neat-and-tidy New Year's resolution.
Kondo's KonMari method is pretty simple. You pick up an object and intuit whether or not it brings you joy. If it doesn't, it needs a new home. Although I disagree with Kondo's opinion on books — essentially: if you've already read them, get rid of them, and if you haven't read them yet, you never will, so get rid of them — her organization philosophy honestly makes a lot of sense to me. You should surround yourself with positive energy and the things that make you happy; everything else just weighs you down.
Spark Joy isn't intended as a standalone guide. Rather, it's an illustrated companion to The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. If you think the release of a companion title sounds like a money-grabbing ploy, trust me, it isn't. The bevy of KonMari-inspired YouTube tutorials on how to organize drawers in the tidiest possible way — and which frustrate and awe a messy person like myself — prove that we need a guide from the master herself.
The Spark Joy book trailer isn't the first YouTube video the author has made. I'm pretty convinced that she's actually a witch who uses charmed clothing to trick Muggles into thinking they can do sorcery, but you can watch her tutorial on how to organize a socks-and-underwear drawer and decide for yourself.
Spark Joy is available January 5 from your favorite retailer.
Image: kaboompics/Pixabay