The 17 Best Feminist Tweets Of 2015
A lot happened for feminism in 2015. The National Women's Soccer Team's won gold at the World Cup, men and women across the country stood with Planned Parenthood to protect reproductive rights, and the Supreme Court made the monumental decision to fully legalize gay marriage. These huge events got amazing coverage in the mainstream media, but equally as important are the individual voices, celebrities and private individuals alike — the women and men who are using their personal platforms to spread feminism and call attention to the problems and obstacles that people face everyday. These amazing feminist tweets from 2015 are eye-opening, inspiring, and funny, and showcase the importance of feminist rhetoric online.
Just to break down this list by the numbers, there are over 60,000 retweets and 100,000 likes between these 17 tweets. That huge social media engagement shows exactly how powerful and important feminism is and how much people want to see feminism in their world. It's a message to every industry that is lacking in women's and feminist voices — entertainment, government, business, law enforcement, and many more. These tweets, and thousands of others like them, show how people want the world to change, and have the added benefit of being hilarious as well. Here are some of the best feminist tweets from 2015.