
Crazy Facts About 10 Snowy Cities — Does Yours Make the List?

Well, it's time for some cold and snowy weather yet again. If you happen to live in the Northeast, you don't need me to tell you what's going on outside. Here in New York City we saw about a foot, with other areas in the region seeing even more. Not only are we in for snow more than once this week (yes, it may be back this weekend, according to reports), but we're also in for another round of some severe cold weather. Polar Vortex II is making its presence known and it's not going anywhere until next Monday at the earliest. It's going to be brutal, so snuggle up with your warmest clothes and your favorite cuddle buddy.

You may think that this weather is the pits but believe me, others have had it far, far worse than you. Check out these then these fun facts about snowy cities around the country to make you feel a bit better about your plight.

by Amanda Chatel

Rochester, New York

You do not want to live here if you don’t like snow. Rochester is regarded as the snowiest large city in the United States, with an average accumulation of 94 inches a year. That’s almost eight feet of snow, which is even more inches than you find in most, if not all, professional NBA players.

Image: WikiCommons

Silver Lake, Colorado

The most snow to ever fall within a 24-hour period hit Silver Lake in 1921. During those 24 hours of winter wonderland madness, 76 inches fell. Not far behind that record, coming in at #2, is Georgetown, Colorado on December 4, 1913 with 63 inches in 24 hours. Basically, Colorado, although pretty, is hell on earth for snow-phobes.

Whatcom County, Washington

Whatcom is home to Mt. Baker ski area in Washington state, which currently holds the world’s record of snowfall during one winter season. From 1998 to 1999, the ski area saw 1,140 inches of snow before the season was over. With numbers like that within just a few months, I can’t imagine there was much skiing to be had. At some point, too much is just too much for even the most skilled snow bunnies.

Image: WikiCommons

Fort Keogh, Montana

It may be way too hard to wrap your brain around this one, but the largest snow flake ever reported was found in Fort Keogh on January 28, 1887. The thing was 15 inches across and 8 inches thick. Can you imagine looking up and seeing that monster of a flake coming toward your head amongst all the sweet, innocent small snowflakes? Yikes.

Bethel, Maine

Back in 2008, the residents of Bethel decided they needed something to do with all the snow they had just lying around. So, what does one do with excessive snow? Build a snowman, of course! When they were done they had made the biggest snowman ever, at 122 feet tall and 13,000,000 pounds. Yours truly saw that snowman (she was lovely!), because in college, driving to see a snowman seems like the best way to spend a hungover Sunday.

Image: Fotolia

Toronto, Canada

During the last Polar Vortex, the snow in Toronto started doing some weird things. As the snow started to melt and seep underground, it began to freeze, expanding in the frozen soil. The stress put on the dirt resulted in the sudden release of energy causing what’s known as “frost quakes.” Although not dangerous like an earthquake, they do sound like very loud explosions and cause some mild shaking.

Sierra Nevada, California

The Sierra Nevada region, especially in the summer months, is where you can find “watermelon snow.” The phenomenon is a combination of green algae that contains a red pigment. It’s called watermelon snow, because that’s exactly what it smells like. However, based on research as to whether or not this could be a quick fix to Sno-Cone, apparently, it doesn’t taste even remotely close to how it smells. Just like yellow snow doesn’t taste like lemon at all, so don’t eat that either.

Image: WikiCommons

Cairo, Egypt

For the first time in well over 100 years, snow fell in Cairo, Egypt this past December. Yes, there was snow on the continent of Africa. Not only did it fall, it also blanketed the ground and allowed for some snow sculpting, Cairo style.

Scranton, Iowa

In 1932, Scranton farmers came across some pretty bizarre formations in their wide-open fields. A weather phenomenon known as a snow roller, caused by some really frisky winds, covered their property in formations that looked a bit like breakfast pastries. Documentation of snow rollers appears in European reports as far back as 1808, but the happening is so rare that you’ll probably live your whole life and never see one.

Image: WikiCommon

Buffalo, New York

Of course Buffalo would have to be on here eventually! In 1977, The Great Blizzard wreaked a whole boatload of havoc on the city with hurricane-speed winds, 70 inches of snow, and 20-to-30-feet-deep snowdrifts. Homes across the region were destroyed as roofs just couldn’t handle the weight of the snow. The ridiculousness of it all had scientists believing it was the beginning of a new ice age.

Image: WikiCommons