
I Counted All The Great Things Demi Lovato Did

by Arielle Tschinkel

Demi Lovato is only 23-years-old, but she has made it her mission since 2011 to use her burgeoning career in music and celebrity to raise awareness for some serious topics that are very near and dear to her heart. Lovato has spoken openly time and time again about her struggles with addiction and mental illness (including depression, self-harm, and body image issues), and she's doing all that she can to let her fans, young and old, know they're not alone in whatever battles they may be privately facing.

It's easy to forget that Lovato is so young because she comes across so much wiser than her 23 years would suggest, but her open honesty is exactly what is needed to shatter the stigma behind addiction and mental illness that so many people face. She wants the world to know that it's OK to acknowledge your fears and seek treatment, while also confiding in people you trust.

Tuesday night, Lovato took to Instagram to post a short video created by the nonprofit organization Facing Addiction, which says: "Addiction to alcohol and other drugs is the most pressing health and human rights crisis facing our country today, impacting more than 45 million Americans and is now the leading cause of preventable death - more than motor vehicle accidents."

Lovato's message is a powerful one, and it's the 12th time this year alone that she has taken to Instagram to advocate for the causes close to her heart. Here are all her posts from this year, showing that she's a fierce advocate for everyone battling substance addiction, body image issues, and mental illness.

1. An Important Message For The New Year

2. She Joined Mental Health America To Raise Awareness

3. Exercise Is A Great Way To Feel #Confident

4. You Don't Need A Thigh Gap To Be Beautiful

5. A Message To Her Eating Disorder Coach

6. A Message To An Exec At Her Record Label, Safehouse Records

7. Bipolar Disorder Does Not Define Her

8. Demi Takes Capitol Hill

9. Powerful Women Stick Together

10. She's Making A Difference

11. #StayStrong

Thank you, Demi!