The ONE Online Personality Test You Need To Take

I've always been a fan of online personality tests, but the truth is that I think most of them are about as accurate as an astrological reading. The results sound relatable no matter what, because they've picked up on a couple of mostly universal personality traits and described them as unique to you. That's what I thought about the Enneagram test, the color test, and even work aptitude tests — they're fun, but arguably simplistic. That is, until I discovered the one online personality test you should take.
It's called the Jung Typology Test, and it is based on the typological theory proposed by famed psychologist Carl Jung. As Wikipedia puts it, Jung "posited that a sequence of four cognitive functions (thinking, feeling, sensation, and intuition), each have one of two polar orientations (extraversion or introversion), giving a total of eight dominant functions."
In other words, the test argues that all humans can fit into one of 16 personality types, which derive from the way we see the world and interact with it — and in my experience, it is scarily accurate. No, we're not all variations of the same 16 people, but there are some patterns to human psychology and behavior. I understand if none of this is making any sense. You have to take the test — and answer the questions very honestly — to see what I'm talking about.
Step 1: Take This Version Of The Test
Go to this link at Humanmetrics and take what they call the Jung Typology Test, which is based on many of the same principles. There are 64 questions, and they look a little something like this:
You have to answer them slowly and with brutal honesty, or the results won't be accurate. (It's not how you think you "should" be; it's how you actually know you are.) Once you do, you'll get your type, along with a breakdown of how much each aspect factors into your personality. For example, here's mine:
So you can see that for me, the introvert/extrovert line isn't a defining characteristic of my personal INFP personality breakdown, so much as the preference for feeling over thinking and perceiving over judging. You should keep these percentages in mind when you read about the description of your type. In my case, I also read the ENFP personality type description, since I'm so on the line.
Step 2: Read The Portrait Of Your Type
Now, if this still doesn't make any sense, that's because this next step is key. Once you have your type from the Humanmetrics results, head over to PersonalityPage and click on the "portraits" button to get the breakdown on what your type actually means.
Here's the top of mine.
Step 3: Delve Into Relationships, Career, And More
At the bottom of the very thorough and mind-blowingly accurate portrait of your type (seriously, if it isn't, go back and make sure you were being brutally honest with yourself in the test), you'll see a few more buttons.
You can click on any of those and get a full description of what your personality type is like at work, in relationships, and even how you could personally grow. It's all super helpful and insightful, which is why this is the one online personality test I seriously suggest you take if you want to understand your own psychology better.
Images: HumanMetrics; Personality Page