What's Leaving Netflix In January?

Another month, another set of titles to say goodbye to in Netflix. That's right — the list of what's leaving Netflix in January has been released, and already I feel personally offended. That's not to imply there aren't some worthwhile films hopping on board the streaming service this month. Meet The Parents, Pride & Prejudice, We Need To Talk About Kevin, and Adult World are all films I'm looking forward to revisiting in January. It's just that so many classics won't be available after the holidays, and I haven't even had the chance to watch them in unhealthy amounts yet. Why, Netflix, why? Must you do this to me every month? You're lucky that I love you so much. Otherwise, I would leave. (OK — probably not.)
Almost everything worth watching leaves January 1, so you don't have a ton of time to take advantage of each movie's current accessibility. (Which is another way of saying "Cancel all of your plans this very second! Plan ahead! Learn from my mistakes! Don't say I didn't warn you!")
Here are all the Netflix titles you need to watch as soon as humanly possible, before they leave the streaming service for good — or at least, for now. Happy holidays/marathoning everyone!
A Clockwork Orange (January 1)
Stanley Kubrick's 1971 masterpiece requires at least a couple of viewings to fully understand and appreciate its carefully constructed meditation on amorality and violence.
Almost Famous (January 1)
Cameron Crowe's acclaimed coming-of-age film — featuring a break-out, flawless performance by then-newcomer, Kate Hudson — turned 15 this year. If you've never seen it, consider this a sign. It's all happening.
American Psycho (January 1)
The controversial source material (a novel penned by Bret Easton Ellis) provided the foundation for this harrowing portrayal of Patrick Bateman's violent mania, and, in turn, sparked the cinematic and cultural phenomenon that is Mary Harron's '00 film.
The Bourne Identity & The Bourne Supremacy (January 1)
Since there's currently a fifth "Bourne" film in the works, it's probably a good idea to revisit these. (Like, now.)
Gladiator (January 1)
Ridley Scott's Oscar winning 2000 film followed the fictitious Roman general Maximus Decimus avenging his family's unjust murder. It's a timeless epic — and a must watch.
The Graduate (January 1)
Is there really a film more calculated and precise in it's own depiction of post-college angst? I don't think so. Here's to you Mrs. Robinson.
Million Dollar Baby (January 1)
Some of us (me) regard Million Dollar Baby as Clint Eastwood's best film. But it's Hilary Swank's scene stealing performance as Maggie Fitzgerald that solidified Million Dollar Baby's status as an award winning masterpiece.
Rocky (January 1)
The second film about boxing on the list (see above), Rocky hits all the right notes. Coincidentally, Sylvester Stallone, who both played the title role and wrote the original screenplay Rocky, made a comeback this year with his appearance in the highly acclaimed,Creed.
Rosemary's Baby (January 1)
As the horror film that pretty much defined the genre, Rosemary's Baby is a chilling story you won't forget. (Once you get the courage to give it a watch.)
There Will Be Blood (January 1)
I'm still bummed Paul Thomas Anderson's There Will Be Blood lost the Oscar in '08. In my opinion, there's never been a more compelling, American epic.
Zoolander (January 1)
With all these heavy and dramatic films, take an intermission with Zoolander, and remind yourself what it's like to watch ridiculously good looking people on screen — before the sequel comes out in February.
The Nightmare Before Christmas (January 4)
Yes, both Halloween and Christmas will be over by January 4, so I guess this sort of makes sense (even though, I personally watch The Nightmare Before Christmas year-round.)
I guess there's only one thing left to say: Better get watching, people! Time's a ticking.
Images: Columbia Pictures