What Does Eric Matthews Look Like Now?

Ah, Eric Matthews. When you weren't busy gazing at Shawn Hunter on Boy Meets World, then everyone's TV crush was Eric Matthews — at least in the early seasons. At first, Eric was Cory's cool older brother, with hair that moved and a new girlfriend every week. He became dumber and dumber as the series went on until Shawn emerged the clear and only winner of the '90s dream boat contest, but Will Friedle's ability to make the second version of Eric just as lovable as the first was just a mark of what an amazing actor he was. So, where is Will Friedle now that the '90s are long over and we've all grown up along with him? He was practically a '90s staple, appearing in everything from Are You Araid Of The Dark? to the Disney Channel Movie My Date with the President's Daughter before Boy Meets World ended in 2000. Thankfully, he hasn't put acting — or Boy Meets World — behind him these days.
After Boy Meets World was over, Friedle mostly went on to do mainly animated voice roles, with the exception of such roles as appearing as himself on All That in 2002 and starring in a short-lived NBC series called Go Fish. Friedle provided the voice of characters like Ron Stoppable (Kim Possible), Fang (Teen Titans), Ken Tennyson (Ben 10: Alien Force), and Kid Flash (Teen Titans Go!) — which is literally just a small handful of the numerous cartoons his voice can be heard in, either as a series regular or just for a single episode. He even played Wade Wilson aka Deadpool in Ultimate Spider-Man, so suck it Ryan Reynolds.
Nowadays, Friedle has returned to the world of Boy Meets World. On the Disney Channel sequel to the popular '90s series, Girl Meets World, Friedle returned to play Eric Matthews as a guest star in episodes like "Girl Meets Mr. Squirrels" and "Girl Meets Mr. Squirrels Goes To Washington" — in which he bonded with his niece, Riley, and screamed his love for his "Cousin Auggie" (who is really his nephew, but, you know, whatever). He also reunited with on-screen bestie Jack in "Girl Meets Semi-Formal," for all you fans out there of the Boy Meets World college years. Around the guest role, he's racked up more voice acting roles in shows like Avengers Assemble and Guardians of the Galaxy, both in which he plays Peter Quill aka Star-Lord. (In Avengers Assemble, he took over the role from Chris Cox starting in Season 2.)
Friedle also has an active Twitter, where he's posted plenty of Boy Meets World throwback photos, pictures from his voice acting recording sessions, pictures of his dog, and things from Comic-Con, proving he's just as big a nerd as we all are — if you didn't get that from his acting roles. I mean, seriously, look at this.
If you need to get your '90s nostalgia fix, or just want to relive your crush on Eric Matthews all over again by seeing what an awesome man he grew into on and off the screen, I would suggest you start following Friedle on Twitter right away. Trust me, it's worth it.
Image: Disney–ABC Domestic Television