It's all happening, guys! Not only is the first Fuller House teaser here, Netflix has also gifted you with a premiere date that's in the not so distant future: February 26. Netflix designed the teaser to prepare you emotionally for the return to the world of Full House by pairing rooms of the empty homestead with Miranda Lambert's "The House That Built Me." Trust me, crying is inevitable. D.J.'s kids are still a bit of a mystery, but the teaser tells us a surprising amount about the next gen Full House characters if you listen closely. Jackson, Max, Tommy, and the new, unnamed fur baby who looks just like a little Comet (yes, pets count as kids) all get a revealing moment via dialogue (or the absence of dialogue in one case).
Even though none of the characters are seen on camera, there is dialogue featuring Uncle Jesse protecting his hair, Joey dropping his signature catchphrase — "Cut. It. Out." — and Kimmy telling her bestie she doesn't need movers because she's got her family. Of course, her family now includes her three sons. Are you ready to meet D.J.'s brood? Here is everything the trailer reveals about the newest members of the Tanner clan.
As the oldest, it is clear that a lot of the responsibility for his little brothers falls on Jackson shoulders. In the teaser, you hear Danny asking Jackson to look after Tommy, and the kid's response is classic, beleaguered older sibling: "Yeah, yeah, I've got him." It's not much, but, in one line, Jackson manages to sound world weary and not entirely happy about the move. I fully expect Jackson to have his mom's maturity, but there may be a hint of rebellion lurking just below the surface.
Middle child Max is going to be a handful to say the least. Just in the few moments it takes for the family to find the keys, he manages to get chastised by both Uncle Jesse and Joey. When he is told to cut it out, he mimics Joey. I fully expect Max to become the breakout character. He sounds energetic and like an unapologetic prankster. This kid is going to get into all the trouble.
There are still no pictures of the munchkin (or munchkins) who will be taking on the role of baby Tommy, but here is one little tidbit that will tug at your heartstrings: the little guy is named after his dad. Commence weeping now. The teaser doesn't share much info about Tommy other than he is still very young. Much like the Olsens, he is probably going to fulfill the cute baby role in Season 1 before developing a stronger personality if and when the show goes on.
Comet Jr.
OK, so I don't know if the puppy's name is Comet Jr., but it should be. This cutie steals the spotlight in the trailer and will probably continue to do so throughout the series. My spidey sense tells me the pup and Max are going to BFFs.
Doesn't it all seem so much more real now? Fuller House is taking shape and I am beyond ready to go home again.
Images: ABC; NetflixUS&Canada/YouTube