While one could argue that the majority of this season has focused mainly on John Lowe's decent into madness and The Countess' complicated love life, there have been many interesting side storylines to come out of the woodwork as well. One of which that immediately comes to mind is Liz Taylor's backstory on American Horror Story: Hotel . We know that she was unhappy and decided to leave her family in order to become the goddess that she truly is, but we never really got any details about the aftermath of that decision. Take, for example, the identity of Liz Taylor's son. We knew of his existence, but we had yet to learn who he really was or grew up to be... until now that is.
After 31 years without seeing each other, Liz made the decision to reconnect with her son. You see, before she could kill herself (due to her misery of losing Tristan), Liz needed to cleanse herself of all her unfinished business so that she wouldn't become yet another ghost of the Hotel Cortez. (Though why she couldn't just step outside and do it is beyond me.) Anyway, apparently the only unfinished business Liz could think of was making things right between her and her son, so she had Ms. Evers invite him for a free stay at the Hotel for a week.
When Douglas arrived, he immediately hit it off with Liz at the bar and even complimented her dress. He also informed her that he worked with self storage units in Denver. The only problem with this little interaction was that he seemed to have no idea that Liz was the father he had come all this way to see. He mentioned how his father had left and that they had plans to visit while he was in town. But Liz made a point of not identifying herself to him right away.
In a heartwarming twist, however, it turned out that Liz didn't need to re-introduce herself. Doug knew who she was the whole time. His mom had filled him in on some of the details and he immediately recognized her as soon as he walked through the door. But better than that, he was more than willing to accept his dad as a woman and told her that he had plenty of room for another woman in his life. It was such a sweet moment and was just the thing Liz needed to hear. Her son wants to be apart of her life. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, but Doug seemed to be completely sincere in his remarks. And it was enough to get Liz to reconsider killing herself and actually be hopeful for what the future could bring.
Thank God for that! The more Liz Taylor I have in my life, the better we'll all be.
Image: Prashant Gupta/FX