
Ryan Reynolds Shares Update About Baby A Year Late

by Allyson Koerner

Remember the chaos surrounding the birth of Blake Lively's daughter James with Ryan Reynolds? It was like their fans, their biggest shippers, and the media just couldn't get enough. Finally, in January it was announced they welcomed a daughter, but that was it. Then, in March, Reynolds confirmed his daughter's name was indeed James. Clearly, the couple likes to release only a bit of information about their personal lives at a time, because on Wednesday, Ryan Reynolds revealed James' birthday. Wait, didn't they already do that? Nope, the couple definitely did not.

The Deadpool actor took to Twitter to wish his baby girl a happy first birthday. Of course, he did it with his beloved sense of humor and wrote, "Happy birthday to my baby girl! Sad I lost my virginity. But thankful I have a daughter." Yep, that sounds about right.

Anyways, Dec. 16 is James' birthday. Who knew? Did you ever really give it any thought that they never released her actual birthdate? I sure didn't. Previously, it was believed Lively gave birth "just before the new year." I guess I was too swept up in the fact that they adorably named her James and focused on just how cute of a father Reynolds is.

Well, now that James' birthday is out there, let's be sure to mark it on our calendars. After all, the day Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds became amazing parents is a very special one.

Happy birthday, James!