7 Beauty New Year's Resolutions To Make Right Now

Ah, New Year's resolutions. Either you love them, or you hate them. Whether you're into the whole "new year, new you" thing or not, one thing's for sure: When it comes to taking care of ourselves, there's always room for improvement. Making a beauty New Year's resolution doesn't have to be about the way you look — it's about the way you feel.
The problem with New Year's resolutions is that people tend to take a "go big or go home" approach, and doing too much too fast often leads to failure. It's unrealistic to say you're going to hit the gym six days a week when you haven't laced up a running shoe in a month — you end up feeling burned out and defeated, rather than proud and accomplished.
Making a beauty New Year's resolution is a great way to start small. Whether you vow to stop touching your face when you're sitting idly or quit the nasty nail biting habit you've had since you were a kid, just choosing one thing that will make you feel better about yourself is the key to a lasting New Year's resolution.
Here are seven beauty resolutions to consider making for 2016. It's time to bring a whole new meaning to the term #beautygoals.
Cut Back On Heat Styling
OGX Moroccan Sea Salt Spray, $7.99,
The easiest way to get shiny, healthier-looking hair? Break up with your blow dryer and your flat iron every once in a while and opt for air drying your hair. Heat styling can cause breakage and split ends, so giving your locks a break every once in a while will do them some good. Try using a sea salt spray in your hair for beachy texture (I follow up with a smoothing serum to keep it from feeling crunchy.)
Take Off Your Makeup Before Bed
Pacifica Coco Pure Makeup Removing Facial Towelettes, $6.99,
You already know you should do this, but 2016 is going to be the year you make it happen. Neglecting to wash your face at night gets in the way of your skin's overnight regeneration process, which can lead to clogged pores, blemishes, and generally dull skin. No bueno.
Floss Every Night
Oral-B Glide Pro-Health Comfort Plus Floss Mint, $3.99,
Really, every night. It's an old cliché that the first thing people notice about you is your smile, so give off a great impression with a pearly white set of chompers (even in between.) It's good for your overall health, and you'll be your dentist's fave patient at your next visit.
Switch To Organic Products
Juice Beauty Nutrient Moisturizer, $36,
If you've ever considered switching to an all-natural beauty routine, there's no time like the present. Everyone's skin is different, so there's no harm in giving it a shot — getting back to basics by using organic skin care products and makeup can really make a difference in some people's complexions. Ready to get your glow on?
Keep Track Of Your Skin's Dietary Triggers
If there's one thing that can wreak major havoc on our skin, it's the food we eat. Sugar is a known culprit of complexion woes, and some people see dairy issues represented by stubborn blemishes across their face (why must you be so tasty, ice cream.) Take an active role in your health by watching for your skin's triggers — it's a great indicator of what's going on inside your body.
Give Your Nails A Polish Break
Dermelect Rejuvenail Fortifying Nail and Cuticle Treatment, $13,
Even your nails need a break sometimes. If you constantly wear polish or have acrylics, the nail underneath could be crying for a little TLC. "When nail polish is left on for a prolonged period, something called a keratin granulation can develop. These are white, rough patches on the nail that form when the polish is removed along with the superficial layers of nails cells," dermatologist Dr. Dana Stern told the Huffington Post. Give your nails a break for a few weeks and nourish them with a nail and cuticle treatment.
Clean Your Makeup Brushes Regularly
MAC Brush Cleanser, $15,
I know, I know — regularly cleansing your makeup brushes is so much easier said than done. But when it comes to you skin, it's totally worth it to take the time to make sure your makeup application isn't doing more harm than good, because a brush full of dirt and germs never did anyone's complexion any favors.
Want more beauty tips? Check out the video below, and be sure to subscribe to Bustle’s YouTube page for more hacks and tricks!
Images: Isla Murray/Bustle; Fotolia; Courtesy of brands