You did it, you finally pushed through and finished Marvel's Jessica Jones. The show's twists and turns are emotionally exhausting until the very end, yet I was still left wanting more from Jessica, Luke, and Trish by the end of Episode 13. What should you watch on Netflix after Jessica Jones ? The holiday season means that a lot of our regular primetime is on hiatus, and with so much extra time, or time spent with family, we might be looking for a new show to dive into on the old 'flix. I've done a sweep and come up with what I think are appropriate suggestions, so let me be your guide.
Easily one of the best things about Jessica Jones in the first place is the wide range of people who have been watching and loving it this fall. The problem with that now, of course, is that I can't 100 percent guess your taste just because you like this show. Are you in it for female protagonists (and female antagonists, friendships, and sidekicks)? Is your thing comic books or action shows? Do you drool over the cinematic production values and "noir" atmosphere that the show creates? There's just so much to love about this dang show!
With that in mind, here are my suggestions for what to queue up on Netflix once Jessica Jones is over and done. I think you'll find there's something for everybody.
1. Daredevil
Especially if you're wondering why Rosario Dawson was in the last episode of Jessica Jones. Go back to where it all started!
2. Don't Trust The B in Apartment 23
Not only does Krysten Ritter star in this show, it's one of the funniest (and most tragically canceled) sitcoms that I have ever seen. It features James Van Der Beek in his best ever role, as an elevated version of himself. With only two seasons, it's not a huge marathon commitment. It's inspired in part by Breakfast At Tiffany's. You gotta watch it.
3. Doctor Who
Contrarily, if you're too freaked out by Kilgrave and need to cool down a bit, you can always watch David Tennant's run (Season 2 to 4 of the new series) as the Tenth Doctor.
4. Scrotal Recall
I just think this is a really good show and everyone should watch it. It appeared on Netflix a while ago, but never really caught on. I'm guessing the title caused some doubt. It's a British romantic comedy told out of order about a guy who, upon discovering that he has an STD, needs to contact all of his past sexual partners (introduced via flashbacks that tell a larger story). It would make a good palette cleanser after Jessica Jones.
5. The Time In Between
This Spanish show, about a dressmaker who becomes a spy during World War II, has all the girl power of Jessica Jones with a dash of period glamour.
6. The Fall
If you're amped and want more badass ladies who go after sexual predators/murderers, this is the show for you. It's just as stressful as Jessica Jones, but so good.
7. Dollhouse
A personal niche favorite of mine, this show has a fascinating mythology and takes risks in honestly portraying what the world would look like with science fiction elements interjected into it — which I think is one of the things people like about Jessica Jones and Daredevil. It's about a company who has the ability to load personalities into people (volunteers/employees for the most part) for various purposes, and the extent to which people take advantage of that ability. Echo is also just as kickass and troubled as Jessica, trust me.
8. Nikita
The CW reboot of Le Femme Nikita shares the revenge theme with Jessica Jones, though Nikita herself might remind you more of Marvel's Black Widow.
9. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Want more girls punching things? Why aren't you watching Buffy all the time? Not only does she have freakin' super powers, but there's teen angst, mythology, and quippy jokes to boot!
10. The Flash
If you love superheroes but want something a little lighter after Jessica Jones, I could not recommend The Flash more. Sometimes I wanna watch someone who truly loves being a vigilante, okay? The CW series has got charm for days. Whatever cheesy villain or superpower they throw at you is grounded in well-written characters who genuinely like sharing a room.
11. Black Mirror
I know this is one of those shows that your annoying pretentious friends tell you you have to watch so many times it might make you defiant — but if you liked the trippy Kilgrave stuff the best, you weirdo, then Black Mirror might be for you.
12. Weeds
One of the most-cited female antiheroines before Jessica Jones is Nancy Botwin. This edgy comedy series was also created by Jenji Kohen, so that's a plus for all you Orange Is The New Black fans as well!
13. Alias
Finally, not to be too on the nose (Jessica's business is called "Alias Investigations," after all) but again, while Sydney might remind you a little bit more of Natasha Romanov, the spy series has all the action and intrigue of Jessica Jones ready to pick up when you've finished Episode 13 and can't wait for more.
Images: Myles Aronowitz/Netflix; Giphy (12); mishipsfofos /Tumblr