Poor Will Drake On 'AHS: Hotel'
Poor Will Drake. He hadn't the slightest clue about what he got himself into when he decided to marry the Countess on American Horror Story: Hotel. Wednesday's episode was full to the brim with revenge plots, double crosses, and triple crosses, so at times it was kind of tough to decipher who was being lied to and who was being set up. Unfortunately for Will Drake, Ramona killed him on AHS: Hotel (after Lady Gaga locked a starving Ramona in with him).
But before all that happened he got married to the Countess, whom he thought was his happy ending. After the wedding, Will made the unfortunate mistake of having a celebratory drink with non other than James March. Not exactly the guy you want to run into after you have just promised to love the Countess forever and always. The two of them discussed how much she loves Will's son (of course she does) and how "progressive" blended families are. Mr. March then clarified that he was referring to another child, not Will's son. Oh boy. That's right. Mr. March brought Will Drake to meet our old friend Bartholomew, his and Gaga's vampire baby. When Will had the disgusted reaction that all of us would definitely have, the Countess threw him down where she was housing Ramona.
Unfortunately things got worse for Will from there. Ramona convinced him to set her free so they could escape and once he turned his back on her, she unleashed the nails and slashed his throat. The episode closed out with her feeding on his neck. Now, it's very likely she leaves him dead, but this show has proven that no one can ever be counted completely out of the game. So will we see Will Drake return as an immortal? He seemed to be alive and well in the promo for next episode when Gaga threatens his son.
Poor Will! What a wedding night! Probably not what he had in mind.
Image: Ray Mickshaw/FX