You Have To See This 'Lizzie McGuire' Reunion

So here's something that will make your head spin/bring you joy. Two cast members from Lizzie McGuire — Matt McGuire and Ethan Craft — met up to watch an episode of Lizzie McGuire, then took a photo of themselves doing so, then shared that photo with the world. And not just any episode of Lizzie McGuire. Not for Matt and Ethan! The pair of possible IRL BFFs were watching the Christmas special episode, "Xtreme Xmas." If this meta Lizzie McGuire reunion isn't an early Christmas present, I don't know what it is. Truly.
Clayton Snyder, known to many as the dapper "I don't repeat" Ethan Craft, posted the photo on his Instagram and captioned it: “So Jake [as in Jake Thompson, as in Lizzie's bro, Matt] rolls in to join the #whlnmovie cast and I’m catching him up to speed while browsing the TV guide. Lo and behold…" Lo and behold, indeed! However, I have a hard time believing the McGuire viewing party aspect of this is a total coincidence, but hey — maybe there is a God! Snyder then added, "Steven Tyler, not the best Santa." The shade! (Also, true. I love you Steven Tyler, but true.)
Oh, and if you are curious what #whlmovie is, here are the details: According to MTV, it's a romantic comedy titled "What Happened Last Night" that's apparently "dedicated to those who have woke up in confusion." That sounds like every morning for me, so I'm unclear on how that will comprise a full movie plot, but I'll be purchasing a ticket as soon as possible, please and thank you.
Anyway, peep the glorious photo:
Let's take a moment of silence to appreciate all of the things happening right before our very eyes. Matt! With a beard! When did he grow up? Why does he look so worried? I'm happy for him. Bless him.
Ethan! Looks the same. (And kind of like Miles Teller?) Also, what happened to his shiny, illustrious locks?
As for what's happening on the TV screen, we appear to be near the end of the "Xtreme Xmas" ep, where the McGuire family (plus Gordo, obviously) embrace each other. That's the spirit. Though to be honest, all of this is the spirit. Every. Single. Part.
You'll have to excuse me, my heart has officially burst.
Images: Disney Channel