'The Hunger Games' Golden Globe Chance Isn't High

The announcements of the nominations for the 73rd Annual Golden Globes Awards are going down next week on Dec. 10, thus leading us into the film and television awards season. It's always such a perilous, yet exciting time of year — seeing if your favorites throughout the year will gain the nominations you wholly believe they deserve, cursing at the obvious snubs, and inevitably bemoaning the lack of diversity. Even so, there's one film franchise in particular that many are waiting for with bated breath to see if it will gain a nomination domination — I'm talking about The Hunger Games series, more specifically, Mockingjay, Part 2. But how likely is its chances? Has The Hunger Games ever won a Golden Globe before? Ho
Well, the simple answer is no. The more complicated answer is yes. Why am I giving you two completely opposing responses? Because while The Hunger Games has been nominated for Golden Globe awards before, the franchise has never actually won. Furthermore, the nominations received haven't been directed toward the films or even its cast (Jennifer Lawrence has never been nominated for her role as Katniss). But in my heart of hearts, The Hunger Games is forever a winner. Hence the yes.
But outside of my reality, how will Mockingjay, Part 2 fare when it comes to Golden Globes nominations this year? In order to answer that question, let's turn the clock back and look at Hunger Games of Golden Globes past (with appropriate J.Law gifs to match).
Golden Globe Awards 2013 (The Hunger Games)
Nominated For: Best Original Song — "Safe & Sound" by Taylor Swift, Joy Williams, John Paul White, T-Bone Burnett
Did It Win?: Nope.
Golden Globe Awards 2014 (Catching Fire)
Nominated For: Best Original Song — "Atlas" by Coldplay
Did It Win?: No again.
Golden Globe Awards 2015 (Mockingjay, Part 1)
Nominated For: Best Original Song — "Yellow Flicker Beat" by Lorde
Did It Win?: Annnnd another no.
So essentially, as far as the Golden Globes go, The Hunger Games has been slaying it at the original song game... but unfortunately, not much else. If this year's Golden Globes follows routine, then a tune from the Mockingjay, Part 2 soundtrack may get recognition, but that's about it. However, it's not unusual that a popular franchise film gets snubbed in the film and actors categories. Look at Harry Potter for example: Deathly Hallows, Part 2, was a strong movie and didn't even earn a Best Picture nomination from the Golden Globes back in 2011, and none of the films (or actors) have ever won an Academy Award (though once again, the films have killed it when it came to the technical categories).
It's a tough pill to swallow, and it's almost inconceivable to try and understand how franchises like The Hunger Games, major cultural milestones that have left equally notable impacts, can duke it out with the best of them on a pop cultural level, but ultimately are left to hang when it comes to receiving signifiers of its success. The films, Jennifer Lawrence, and company have been recognized, nominated, and earned awards for The Hunger Games outside of the Golden Globes, of course. But it's the principle of the matter, and while I hope Mockingjay, Part 2 will see more Golden Globe noms come 2016, the reality is that there's a strong likelihood that it won't and that, my friends, is a real bummer. The first bummer of many bummers to come this awards season, most likely.
Thus making my current mood:
Thank you for existing, J.Law.
Images: Lionsgate; Giphy (5)