What Does 'Agent Carter's Premiere Delay Mean?

If you are a fan of Marvel whom has just heard that the premiere of ABC's Agent Carter Season 2 is being delayed, I have an important message for you: put down your pitchfork, take a deep breath, don't freak out about the show's future, and keep reading. Yes, the show is being delayed a couple of of extra weeks — but this doesn't mean that the show is in trouble, or that it's on the brink of leaving our televisions or anything. Actually, it's being held for pretty good reasoning!
So, when is the new season premiering, and why is it later than anticipated? According to TV.com, Season 2 — which was originally set to have a two-hour season premiere on January 5 — is being held until January 19, because President Obama will be issuing his State Of The Union address on January 12. I know what you're thinking: "They could still air it on January 5 if they wanted to! It must be a conspiracy!" That logic is correct — except that it is actually in the fans best interest that they air later. The later air date will make it so that the entire season can air uninterrupted for the remainder of the season.
So hey — even though the show is being delayed, fret not: the show is safe.
There is one potential issue, though: this may delay some of the network's other programming as well. Agent Carter is serving as a replacement for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. during its mid-season hiatus. So, if Agent Carter runs later, it's not out of the realm of possibility that the spring premiere of S.H.I.E.L.D. could very likely be pushed back as well. (Although, it's worth pointing out they do have the option of keeping the same schedule with little overlap, which, personally, I think would be the best option ever.)
At the end of the day, this is a good move for ABC and for fans. This allows no spaces to pass in between each episode, and since Agent Carter is known to keep fans on their feet, no long breaks are particularly welcome.
Image: ABC