How To Throw A 'Game Of Thrones' Holiday Party

When you grow up, become an adult, and find that now your entire family is made up of grown-ups, Christmas just doesn't seem quite as magical anymore. There seems to be lot more down time and many outgrown traditions. In those years between childhood and parenthood, Christmas can feel a little awkward. For example, last year, my family's holiday celebration was just us watching The Interview together and going to sleep before 11 p.m. But, there could be a solution to this grown-up, holiday rut: Game of Thrones -themed Christmas gifts. When planning your holiday celebration this year, you can throw a Game of Thrones holiday party thanks to this gift guide I created.
From decking the halls, to a feast fit for a king, to fantasizing about snow (Jon Snow, that is), Game of Thrones is ripe with holiday potential. And, it seems many Etsy shops with holiday GoT merchandise would agree. So, why not spice up your Christmas or holiday celebrations with George R. R. Martin-probably-approved decor?
Here's a guide to all of the Game of Thrones gifts to suit your holiday needs: From the meal, to the decor, to the perfect GoT Christmas sweater. We've got your Game of Thrones Christmas right here.
Deck The Halls
After one subway ride, two hours at the airport, a bumpy flight, and the longest airport shuttle ride known to man, you've finally made it home for the holidays, congratulations. First things first, trimming the tree and hanging the stockings with care.
Wouldn't these Game of Thrones stockings look great on your mantle?
And these GoT ornaments will look fabulous on the tree.
You can also put out some red and green dragon eggs, to set the mood.
Holiday Sweater Photo Shoot
Now, it's time to put on your tacky holiday sweaters. These Game of Thrones "Winter is Coming" sweaters are perfect and festive!
The matching family photo will be a perfect addition to your Ho Ho Hodor holiday cards!
Time For Dinner
Help out your family in the kitchen and make a feast fit for a king with this official Game of Thrones cookbook.
Set the table with these Khaleesi-inspired dinner plates.
And, these "Let it Snow" steins, perfect for a holiday dinner.
Eat, Drink, And Be Merry
When your grandparents start a political debate, you might want to take the edge off with a glass of wine (Cersei would approve) or a Game of Thrones beer; that's right, GoT beer is real!
But, be sure to use a coaster.
Family Fun
After dinner, retire to the living room for some family fun. How about a game of GoT Monopoly?
Or maybe just unwind with the Blu-ray box set?
To All A Goodnight
Bake some holiday cut-out cookies for Santa, but give them a GoT spin with these House Stark, Baratheon, Lannister, and Targaryen cookie cutters!
The cookies are out for Santa and there are gifts below the tree. This year, skip The Night Before Christmas and read aloud from the GoT gift set.
Now get some sleep and allow visions of sugarplums, or Jon Snow, to dance in your head.
Images: Helen Sloan/HBO (1), Giphy (7), Amazon (5),Ommegang, Store.HBO (1), Etsy (6), WarzonePrints