This Is The Most Female-Driven Project In Ages

With Christmas right around the corner, there's so much to look forward to: Terence Howard and Taraji P. Henson's Christmas special, for one, and NBC's live production of The Wiz , for another. Also, not to be forgotten: Netflix's own A Very Murray Christmas. Bill Murray's Xmas special features a cavalcade of big names, from its director — Academy Award-winner Sofia Coppola — to supporting cast members like George Clooney and Amy Poehler. The show, which starts streaming Dec. 4, features Murray trying to put on a Christmas special with his many famous friends, but being thwarted by a power outage in New York City.
While Murray is undoubtedly the belle of this ball, it's strikingly awesome just how many women worked on this project as well. Every aspect of this special — from the directing to the writing to the acting and singing — seems to be female-driven. Sure, there are men involved too: Mitch Glazer and Murray co-wrote the script with Coppola, and there are as many male actors as there are female. But, it's great to see strides being made in film. With 2015 being plagued by gender inequality issues in Hollywood, any small step feels like progress.
That being said, here are all the ladies that make A Very Murray Christmas must-see television.
1. Amy Poehler
Amy is having quite the busy holiday season, what with starring in Sisters and sharing the cover of Glamour with her bestie, Tina Fey. Despite all that, she still makes an appearance in the special and appears to play one of Murray's close friends, which I can only hope is art imitating life.
2. Miley Cyrus
Miley and Clooney appear to be Murray's biggest guests. She sings a few Christmas carols and dances around with the host. It's a great reminder that she really is a talented vocalist.
3. Rashida Jones
Ever since her untimely departure from Parks and Recreation, there has been a significant lack of Rashida Jones in my life. Between this special and her upcoming comedy, Angie Tribeca, that will soon be remedied.
4. Maya Rudolph
This is the best news, because not only is Rudolph in it, but she's singing! She's an amazing singer and it's a gift that is not shared with the world often enough. Very exciting stuff.
5. Jenny Lewis
Jenny Lewis is the bomb.com. Since her days as a child star, she now wears awesome air-brushed pantsuits, sings lovely songs, and makes great music videos with cool people like Brie Larson and Vanessa Bayer. I'm beyond pumped to see her act again.
6. Julie White
Julie White is one of those actresses who is in all sorts of movies in really unassuming roles. She's been in Transformers, Michael Clayton and Lincoln and TV shows like The Good Wife and Law & Order: SVU. It's great to see her in something where she'll finally get some credit.
A Very Murray Christmas starts streaming on Netflix on Dec. 4.
Images: Giphy (6), Netflix