So here you are, done graduated and ready to take hold of your independence and make a new life for yourself. Or maybe you've been doing that for a while now. So the thought of moving back in with your parents can probably seem like the biggest step backward you could possibly take. You may feel like you've failed somehow or you may even feel guilty. But for whatever reason, it's a decision, or a circumstance, that you're suddenly thrown into.
Actually, it's a situation that a record 15 percent of 25-to-34-year-old Americans have found themselves in over these past years, as Slate's Jason Weissman pointed out from Census Bureau statistics. While the primary driving factor is probably money, there are a lot of other reasons that could come into play. So it's important to understand when this may be the necessary next step in your life for this particular moment and not to view it as a setback. Plus, there are plenty of good things that can come from it, and a lot you can learn from living at home as an adult. Here are six totally understandable and justified times you should probably move back in with your parents.
1. A Life Crisis
As beautiful and thrilling as life is, it can also be unpredictable and deal out some pretty unfair and crappy cards. Whether it's you who is going through something, or someone you love, it's important to know when it's OK and absolutely needed to take the time to resolve things. It's been said over and over again because it's so true and commonly overlooked in today's fast-paced, competitive world — but your health, happiness, and wellbeing always come first. Without these things, it's pretty difficult to dedicate yourself to any other areas of your life, really.
2. Career Switching
As pointed out for USA TODAY College, living at home can give you the flexibility to try out different jobs and internships, explore entrepreneurial ventures, or even take the time to work on personal creative projects to build your portfolio as you figure out the next step. Whether you do have a plan you're taking the time to work toward, or even if you don't and you need the time to figure that plan out, your parents are there to support you and help you get to where you need to be. So if you have that option, take advantage of it. You'll make a lot more progress in a supportive, nurturing environment where your time, money, and energy isn't wasted on figuring out how to make ends meet while also successfully pursuing your goals.
3. Financial Difficulties
So maybe things aren't working out and you've run into a bit of a financial roadblock. Remember that it's OK, not all is lost, and there are always solutions. As an adult, you may not want to consider one of those solutions as moving back in with your parents because it can seem like you've pretty much failed the game of life. But that's far from the truth. In fact, it takes a lot of strength and maturity to come to terms and recognize when that extra support is needed at this time in your life. You'll be helping yourself, and everyone else in your life out a lot more by not burying yourself in debt, or taking on five jobs that ensure you never sleep again.
As Alan Dunn wrote for Forbes, living back home enables a person to reduce their expenses, focus on saving money, and even contribute to the household income by pooling resources with other family members. It won't be forever, and as long as you are actively taking the time to create a plan to move forward, it's a pretty smart move. And speaking of planning, that brings us to our next point.
4. Financial Investment For A Long Term Plan
USA TODAY College also made the point that you may never have a better opportunity to build emergency savings quickly than when you’re working full time and living rent-free. As long as you are being responsible with your finances and garnering the skills needed to be a financially independent adult, this is actually a great way to plan for your future. Use it as a solid stepping stone rather than a safety net.
5. Your Current Living Situation Is A Nightmare
So it turns out your roommate is insane, or your roommate is your former partner with whom you've just had a pretty nasty break up. Maybe your neighborhood is a lot more dangerous than anticipated and you don't ever feel safe. This calls for a major S.O.S. — you need to get out of there pronto. If you can't whip up any last-minute living situation and if the option is available to you, of course — know that moving back in with your parents is totally fine for the time-being. Again, remember that it's temporary and just an opportunity to help figure out a better situation without going totally crazy.
6. You're In The Middle Of A Big Transition
Like career switching, if you're undergoing any major sort of change in your life that requires some extra time and support, don't be afraid to allow yourself this break. Maybe you're thinking of going to grad school, moving to a foreign country, or you've called off your engagement. With any plan or big transition, you need to give yourself the time and space for self-reflection and growth, psychologist Dr. Shannon Kolakowski told The Huffington Post. As a young adult, it can be tricky to see this through while balancing everything else in your life needed in order to be a surviving, functioning human.
Moving back in with your parents for a bit can certainly help give you that boost to better prepare yourself for this transition.
Images: Giphy (6); Pexels