Look, holiday shopping can be incredibly stressful, but that doesn't mean you have to hide under your stairs until the season of giving is over. Seriously, you aren't Harry Potter. I might not be able to give you advice on what to buy for every person on your list, but I've got you covered when it comes to book nerds.
The best way to avoid pulling your hair out over what to get the avid readers on your list is this: don't buy them books. I know, I know. It's heresy, right? But hear me out.
Book nerds can be really difficult people to shop for. Sure, you could buy them books, but which books? You want to give them the ones they haven't read and don't own, but you'd have to peruse their bookcases to figure out which books those are. Then you have to worry about whether or not they will like the books you've chosen. If you aren't a bookish person, this can all be almost impossible.
Obviously, if a friend or family member has specifically requested that you buy her a particular book, get her that book and be done with it. But if you're foundering without a heading, check out these cool, bookish gifts that take out most of the guesswork for you.
1. Treadmill Book Holder
Source One LLC Large Full Size Treadmill Book Holder, $25, Amazon
Reading while you work out is great, but those pesky books just don't want to stay open. Solve your friend's problem by buying her an awesome book holder for the treadmill.
2. Book Journal
Books to Check Out: A Journal, $10, Amazon
This awesome book journal lets you keep track of your TBR, favorite passages, and the books you've lent to and from friends.
3. Boxed Set
Penguin Little Black Classics Box Set, $68, Amazon
Every book nerd loves a good boxed set. Penguin's Little Black Classics set features 80 paperbacks for one convenient price.
4. Mug Warmer
Mr. Coffee Mug Warmer, $10, Amazon
If you know someone who can drink a full mug of coffee or tea without letting it get cold, keep an eye on her, because she's probably a witch. Your muggle friends will appreciate this little gadget.
5. Personal Library Kit
Knock Knock Personal Library Kit, $19, Amazon
Words cannot express how happy this little set makes me. If you lend out a lot of books, only to forget who has them, you might want to invest in one of these kits.
6. Transparent Book Weight
Book on Book, 6,490 JPY, Book on Book
Y'ALL. You put it on your book to keep the pages from flipping when it's windy, or you're lazy, or you can't use your hands. I'll take five, thanks.
7. Bookish Kindle Case
Neverending Story Leather Book Cover, $50, Etsy
I'm a sucker for e-reader cases that look like actual books. This beautiful leather Kindle case is absolute perfection.
8. A Frostbeard Candle
Christmas in the Great Hall, $18, Etsy
Frostbeard has a whole line of bookish scented candles that are sure to make the book nerds in your life have a joyful holiday.
9. "She Woolf" Tote
She Woolf Tote, $20, Marisa Suárez-Orozco
Who's got jokes? This tote's got jokes.
10. Book Strap
Leather Book Strap, $15, Etsy
Maybe it's just because I grew up reading Laura Ingalls Wilder and L.M. Montgomery, but I'm in love with the idea of a book strap. And this one is super affordable!
11. LiliLite
OK, so this gift is pretty pricey, but, it's a lamp, a shelf, and a book holder, all in one! The best part: the lamp turns off when you put your book on top of it. Buy one for your bestie. Also, I will be your bestie in exchange for a LiliLite.
12. "Still I Rise" T-Shirt
Rise Maya Angelou T-shirt, $22, POP ATL
I'm in love with this shirt. Pick it up for anyone who loves Maya Angelou.
13. "I Read Past My Bedtime" Mug
I Read Past My Bedtime, $15, Society6
Never has a mug connected more strongly with book nerds. You can buy this mug and the warmer above for under $25.
14. Bottle Opener
Oscar Wilde Quote Bottle Opener, $7, Etsy
If there was ever a man who knew exactly what he was talking about, it was Oscar Wilde. Pick up this snarky bottle opener for the beer-loving book nerd in your life.
15. Grumpy Cat Bookmark
Grumpy Cat Bookmark, $5, Etsy
Seriously. GO AWAY. Come back with presents.
Image: MIKI Yoshihito/flickr