Finding the perfect holiday gifts for your best friend can be tough. You want to get her something that shows how much she means to you, but you also don't want to be overly sappy in a corny, weird way. That's why going for funny best friend gifts that will make her laugh while also showing her how much you love her is the best. But once you decide on that funny best friend gift, you have to actually find the perfect one... which is definitely not always easy.
The good news is that I've already done the work for you by finding 20 viable options. Whether you want to give your bestie something she can wear (like jewelry or clothes), something for her room or office, or just something random and hilarious, it's all covered. There are even options for groups of friends, and for little items to add to the already awesome gift you had planned that just needs one more thing. I mean, hey, what's the point of a best friend if you guys can't laugh together, right? Check out these 20 amazing funny best friend gifts — now your only problem is picking just one of these instead of all of them.
1. BFF Bracelets
Why get a generic best friend necklace set when you could get this homegirls bracelet set? It's basically a no-brainer.
Miss Wax Homegirls Bracelet, $32, Shop Nylon
2. "Go Away" Sleep Mask
For the best friend who values her beauty sleep, this mask is the perfect option. It's sweet, it's sassy, and it says exactly what she's thinking as she settles down for her nap.
"Go Away" sleep mask, $43, Temper Rowe
3. BFF Necklace
Who else is going to be wearing a necklace that says "Best Witches?" Nobody. You and your bestie will be the cutest friend pair ever when wearing these.
Best Witches Necklace, $30, Gypsy Warrior
4. A Best Friend Box Sign
This box sign will make the cutest addition to your best friend's bedroom, office, dorm room... wherever she is.
Old and Senile Box Sign, $14, Amazon
5. A Fun Game
Whether you guys are having a chill night together, or hanging out and drinking, playing a fun game with a group of friends is always awesome. Get your bestie this game so your group can find out who really knows each other the best.
Who's Most Likely To Game, $16, Urban Outfitters
6. A Cute Picture Frame
One of the best personal gifts to give someone close to you is a great photo of the two of you together. Make it an even better gift with a frame like this one that only speaks the truth.
We'll Always Be Best Friends Frame, $24, Francesca's
7. A BFF Mug
If you and your bestie love to sit around and gossip all the time, get her this mug. It's pretty much perfect.
You're My Favorite Bitch Mug, $13, Etsy
8. Coordinating Wine Glasses
For the pair who loves Mean Girls and wine, these glasses are awesome. Buy her both of these, or buy one for yourself and one for her whenever you drink together, or buy one for each of your friends.
Mean Girls Wine Set, starts at $22, Etsy
9. A Cute Bedroom Decoration
Everyone's bedroom could use more cute decor. This is perfect for the bestie in your life who is always by your side for every single one of your adventures. Every time she looks at it, she'll think of your hilarious memories together.
Good Friends Stupid Things Box Sign, $14, Francesca's
10. A Funny Tank
Yeah, best friend t-shirts might be a little cliche, but some of them are really cute. Like this one. Get just one for your friend, or get one for yourself too.
She's The Wild One Tank, $28, Etsy
11. Girlfriend Box
Has there ever been a truer statement? Make this gift even better by giving it to your bestie with a bottle of wine.
Girlfriends Glitter Box Sign, $12, Francesca's
12. The Perfect Flask
If you and your bestie love drinking together, this flask makes for an awesome gift. Give her just the flask, or buy her favorite bottle of liquor to go along with it. Look at how great you are at presents!
Funny Gift Flask, $11, Etsy
13. A Best Friend Quote
Don't lie — if anyone overhead the conversations you've had with your bestie, there would be a problem. This pretty sign is so cute, and it's such a great price.
Best Friend Sign, $5, Etsy
14. Us Print
Was this probably made for couples? Yeah, but it's SO CUTE. And it's also perfect if your bestie is a dude. Or if your significant other is also your best friend.
Us Print, $15, Stay Home Club
15. A Step Brothers Locket
What's one of the best movies about best friends? Obviously Step Brothers. Make your bestie laugh out loud with this cute and unique locket gift.
Step Brothers Quote Locket, $24, Etsy
16. An Embroidery Hoop
Embroideries are pretty underrated, and I'm so glad the creative people who sell stuff on Etsy are helping to bring them back. If you and your bestie have a sarcastic relationship, get her this immediately.
You're Alright Embroidery, $15, Etsy
17. A Tote Bag
This is perfect for your friend who always seems to have her life together. Or, you know, if you want to boost her confidence. Either way, it's awesome.
Grown Ass Woman Tote Bag, $23, Etsy
18. A '90s Nostalgia Embroidery
In case you thought embroideries couldn't get more awesome, this one exists. If you and your bestie used to dance to *NSYNC back in the day, this will be a really cute reminder of those memories.
We Are So NSYNC Embroidery, $23, Etsy
19. Friendship Charms
Make your own friendship necklaces, bracelets, keyrings, or whatever with these cute little charms. You know the bestie you get TMI with? Yeah, this is for her.
Poop and Toilet Paper Friendship Charms, $14, Etsy
20. A Print
Imagine life without your best friend. Yup, this quote is extremely accurate. Show her how much you love her while also making her laugh with this adorable print.
Funny Print, $12, Etsy
For more holiday ideas, check out Bustle on YouTube.