5 Totally Weird Adult Coloring Books
Tesco withdrew from sale on their website a coloring book that depicted bloody, gory scenes from horror movies that was mistakenly being marketed at children ages five through eight. Its cover screams totally unsuitable for a six-year-old—click through to see it—but apparently some parents are totally game to buy it for themselves, along with these five grown-up-geared titles.
So, this is a category that exists.
Tesco withdrew from sale on their website a coloring book that depicted bloody, gory scenes from horror movies that was mistakenly being marketed at children ages five through eight. Its cover screams totally unsuitable for a six-year-old—click through to see it—but apparently some parents are totally game to buy it for themselves, along with these five grown-up-geared titles.
'Colour Me Good Arrggghhhh!!' by Mel Elliot
This particular coloring book that garnered so much attention depicts scenes from Psycho, Jaws, Nightmare on Elm Street, and Hellraiser, among others. The delightful cover to the left is Psycho's famous shower scene.
'Coloring for Grown-Ups' by Ryan Hunter and Taige Jensen
Described as "hilarious" and "just inappropriate enough," this book resembles a children's activity book, only grown-up and with a dash of irony. Choose from activities such as "Hipster or Homeless?" and "Draw the person you thought you'd grow up to be before you abandoned all your hopes and dreams!"
'Unicorns Are Jerks: a Coloring Book Exposing the Cold, Hard, Sparkly Truth'
Beneath the magical sparkle apparently lies a rude interior. Enjoy all 40 pages of unicorns texting in the movie theater, eating your leftovers, and doing other generally jerk-like activities.
'Fat Ladies in Spaaaaace: a Body-Positive Coloring Book' by Theo Nicole Lorenz
Based solely on the cover, I thought this coloring book had the potentially to be massively offensive. Nope—turns out it's pretty positive, featuring women of all different shapes and sizes saving the world, blowing things up, and flirting with aliens. I'm in.
'Colour Me Good Ryan Gosling' by Mel Elliot
Now this is an adult coloring book. Color Me Good Arrggghhhh!! creator Mel Elliot has created an entire series of quirky coloring books, including this particularly visually pleasing one of Ryan Gosling. If your interests lean more in the way of London, gingers, hip hop, or the '80s, she's got you covered there, too.