7 One-Ingredient Face Masks For Lazy DIY Lovers

If, like me, you're all about DIY beauty, but are often too lazy to actually turn any of your Pinterest boards into reality, this is the article for you. I've scouted out a slew of one-ingredient face masks that are almost painfully simple. This literally just involves you putting a single thing on your face that's probably already in your kitchen or bathroom. Yesssss.
Every Thanksgiving, my cousins and I love to to hunker down and watch movies once we've successfully hit peak food coma status. This is also when nail polish and face masks come out, but we're obviously all way too full to put in any real effort. Last year, my sister Laura had the brilliant idea to just make single ingredient face masks and now, it's a tradition I intend to keep around forever and ever.
Whether your skin is dry, oily, or a combination of the two, there's a one-ingredient face mask below that will work for your skin. And heck, they're all so gentle that I'd encourage you to give them each a try at least once. Rock on, fellow lazy DIY girl. Have fun putting in practically zero effort to achieve perfectly glowy skin this winter!
1. Honey
Pure honey makes a wonderful face mask for dry skin, and SkinCare.AllWomen's explained, "Honey is a humectant, so it not only attracts moisture to your skin, it also helps keep it there." For best results, rinse your face with warm water, apply honey, and wash off with cold water after about half an hour.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
Best for oily skin or as a spot treatment facial, Care2 suggests applying apple cider vinegar to especially oily parts of your face, leaving for five minutes, and then rinsing with cool water.
3. Banana
One of my personal favorites since I'm known to leave bananas on the counter to die, overripe bananas make an amazingly moisturizing face mask for all skin types. Just thoroughly mash the banana in bowl, rub it over your face for about fifteen minutes, and rinse with cool water.
4. Egg White
If your skin is feeling a little droopy and tired, BeautyMunsta recommends reaching for an egg white face mask to shrink pores and provide oil control to fight acne. Score! All you need to do is whisk the egg white until frothy, coat your face (avoiding your mouth) and leave it on for about fifteen minutes. Rinse with cool water and that's it!
5. Yogurt
Yogurt makes an epic nourishing and cleansing face mask. SoFabFood explained, "Yogurt contains alpha-hydroxy acids, including lactic acid, which is known to reduce the appearance of fine wrinkles. It also has the important B-complex vitamins, including B-5, to help promote skin healing." I recommend using organic Greek yogurt to avoid nasty chemicals and growth hormones. Then, slather on your face and rinse with cool water after twenty minutes.
6. Olive Oil
People have been using this ancient beauty treatment on their skin for thousands of years, so why stop now? Skincare.AllWomen'sTalk shared how olive oil "contains squalene, which is a naturally occurring moisturizer [and] also has antioxidants, such as vitamins A and E." What more could you ask for from a one-ingredient face mask?
7. Avocado
Natural beauty site Bembu recommends avocado face masks for dry skin, as "the healthy monounsaturated fat that avocados contain helps lessen the appearance of fine lines associated with aging, and the fruit itself helps to moisturize your skin, reducing a dull look." Have your avocado toast and smear it on your face, too!
Images: Siona Karen, Mike Mozart,, Felicia, Larry Jacobsen, Arthur Caranta, CycloneBill/Flickr