
Why You Should Shop Green Monday

by Amy Sciarretto

First things first. Green Monday is not an environmentally-minded, online shopping day comprised of bitcoins and e-commerce, where little waste is created in terms of packaging and shipping materials. Not. Even. Close. Green Monday is one of the biggest online shopping days of the year, it occurs on the second Monday in December, and it falls at least 10 days prior to Christmas.

In 2015, Green Monday falls on Dec. 14, 2015. Why should you care? A few reasons, actually. It's a dream for procrastinators and/or cost-conscious shoppers.

Green Monday is the day in which retailers offer their biggest sales for last-minute shoppers who are pulling their hair out as they either start or try to wrap up their holiday shopping. That's to say nothing of wrapping actual gifts.

Green Monday is similar to Cyber Monday and Black Friday. eBay introduced the term to the marketplace, using it to describe the massive spike in sales that the auction site experienced on this particular day in December 2009, according to MarketWatch. So the "green" is a reference to cold, hard cash and has nothing to do with recycling. (Or pot, for that matter!)

MarketWatch noted that while Green Monday doesn't enjoy the same name recognition or hoopla of Cyber Monday, it does offer bigger online sales than Black Friday.

Most retailers tend to kick off their Green Monday sales at midnight, according to The Black Friday blog. So if you've put off shopping long enough and want to nab some steals in the process, Green Monday is when to get down to it.

Green Monday is also lucrative for retailers because frantic shoppers don't want to show up empty-handed at holiday gatherings and are therefore forced to make a gift choice because of the time crunch.

Essentially, it's like a Google logo holiday. You're not gonna get the day off, but the benefits are oh-so-real.

According to PC World, Green Monday is also the biggest shipping day of the year, with services like FedEx experiencing a serious uptick in package shipments so that presents arrive on time.

So there you have it. Green Monday is a day of sales and it's an ass-saving option for last-minute online shoppers to nab deals. It's also been slapped with the "Poor Man's Cyber Monday" label due to the discounts. However, I think it sounds more like the "Lazy Man's Cyber Monday." Or perhaps it's the "Savvy Shopper's Cyber Monday," since it's a ripe option for the consumer who wants to take advantage of sales and save some loot.

Images: Pixabay; Giphy (4)