Bra Hacks Every Woman With Small Boobs Should Know

All my girls with small girls put your hands up! I love my small boobs, and am super stoked to share the essential bra hacks every woman with small boobs should know. As a former pageant girl, I've got quite a few tricks up my sleeve (err, around my chest?).
First and foremost, I want to take a hot second to chat about this whole "real women have curves" concept. Reducing someone's womanhood to the size of their boobs is not only incredibly silly and a form of skinny shaming, but can be very hurtful to the person on the receiving end of that comment. Like hello, whether I'm the most curvy gal around or incredibly thin, I'm a woman because I'm a woman — so don't you dare say anything about my itty bitties!
Since I come from a family of large-chested women (I can't explain the genetics behind why I'm an A cup and my older sister is D), the hacks below have all been learned from personal experience. I have mad respect for the ladies like my sister that rock the bra hacks every woman with big boobs should know, but they're obviously not helpful for me. That's why, my dear small-chested friends, this list is just for us!
1. Get Fitted
OK, this might seem obvious, but lots of women never get fitted for bras and that's crazy! The service should be free anywhere lingerie is sold, and Cosmopolitan shared how it really is the only way to know you're getting the right size bra.
2. Know That Pasties Are Your Friend
Nipple Covers, $14.95,
Sometimes strapless bras just do not stay up. If you're struggling, just reach for nipple cover pasties. Going without bra support hopefully shouldn't be too uncomfortable if your boobs are smaller, and I love how pasties and tape let me rock a plunging neckline without issue.
3. Remember: Demi Cups Rock
Calvin Klein Demi Bra, $38, Amazon
To get a serious cleavage boost, Cosmopolitan advised "lifting" your boobs up into a demi cup so they rest comfortably (and sexily!) above the padding.
4. Try Bra Strap Cushions For Push Ups
Bra Strap Comfort Silicone, $6.85, Amazon
If you're straps are digging into your shoulders because you're trying to push up hardcore, PetiteCherry recommends popping bra strap cushions under the straps.
5. Remove Padding Before Washing
Calvin Klein Perfectly Fit Multi-Way Push Up Bra , $40, Amazon
Washers and dryers can damage the shape of removable padding, so it's always a good idea to take it out before cleaning your bras.
6. Check Out How The Loosest Hook Fits
6-Pack Lace Back Demi Bra, $32.99, Amazon
Always make sure your bra fits correctly with the band on the loosest hook, Entertainment Daily advised. Bras stretch out over time, so you want to be able to "work your way in" on the hooks as that happens.
7. Go Online
Triangle Bralette, $10, Amazon
If you're on the very petite side, stores often won't carry your band size. Don't even worry! There's tons of amazing sites out there for petite bras, and my personal favorites include and
8. Try Different Styles
Lucia Push-up, $60, Amazon
Two people with same cup size will still have differently shaped boobs. To find the best bra for you and you personally, I suggest raiding a store until you find the perfect style! Who knows, maybe instead of demi cups, maybe a V-cup push up is your thing!
Images: Andrew Zaeh/Bustle; Courtesy of Brands