Check Out Amazon's Latest Body Posi Campaign

When you think "body positive clothing retailer," Amazon likely isn't the first brand to jump to mind, but Amazon Fashion Europe's "I Wish I Could Wear" campaign is arguably one of the most self love-inspiring projects to come out this year. The first video for the campaign was released on Nov. 12, beginning with a series of women discussing the clothes they've always wished they could wear, but never felt comfortable doing so due to mainstream beauty standards. As Refinery29 reports, its thanks to the genius behind Amazon Fashion Europe and the expert directing of award winning photographer and videographer Rankin that this body positive campaign actively empowers women in areas where most of us could use some inspiration.
The set of three mini films features body positive women in the fashion industry — Ingrid Behague Sockeel, an albino model; Ana Pizarro, a plus size activist; and Marsha Campbell, aka London Tall Girl, a well known UK fashion blogger. The empowered women were paired with everyday gals chosen from social media — Fiona, Lauren, and Natalie — to help these ladies learn to love themselves and any insecurities they may have. The message of the video series is a strong one: That so-called fashion rules are not only irrelevant, but absurd, and that the opinions of others should never get in the way of your own confidence. After all, self love is the best accessory.
Content director at Amazon Fashion Siobhan Mallen saw that body positivity is much more than a buzzword used to sell clothing, but an important message that we all need to share as often as possible. She told BuzzFeed Life:
We created this campaign with the hope that it would help to empower women to wear what they like, and not feel limited by their perceived flaws. It was important for us to involve Ingrid, Ana, and Marsha — three strong and stylish women who dress for themselves and celebrate what makes them different. Rankin was the perfect choice to capture this.
The way that these professional ladies show everyday women how arbitrary self imposed sartorial rules are is truly inspiring. Although finding self love on one's own is possible (hence the name), the opinions and help of others who have been through the same issues is often invaluable. After all, if you can admire someone similar to yourself rocking a look that you are too afraid to wear, it becomes easier to imagine yourself pulling off the same outfit. Confidence can sometimes come from feeling represented and understood and these filmed body positive lessons exemplify just how important representation can truly be.
It's obvious that this campaign won't just help the individual women featured, but that it will ring true for many viewers of the videos. By seeing someone else learn the lesson that is self love, we can get one step closer to that goal ourselves.
Images: Courtesy Amazon Fashion Europe